Anonymous ID: 62e8bd June 1, 2020, 2:57 p.m. No.9418022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8049 >>8066

Well frens, I hate to say it but I think I have this whole Trump and Q thing figured out. You aren't

going to like this so if you are just going to call

me a shill or blackpiller just stop reading now and

go back to waiting for more Q drops.

I've been here since the beginning and own more

Trump hats than I can count. I've been Q'd a couple times and have posted hundreds of notables but I feel like it is time we start asking

some serious questions.


  1. Q tells us they "have it all" but instead of just

showing the American people the mountains of

evidence they decide to "show them" by letting

the cabal release a virus hoax and allow them

to "deploy all assets" to burn our cities down.

  1. We now know that the Deep State has sold

out our country to China. Who was in control of

our media and entertainment before China bought control? I think it's safe to assume that Israel

wasn't happy about losing the power they acquired

through decades of subversion and blackmail.

So what could a group of enterprising Jews do?

What if Adelson and his boys came up with a plan

to take the WH for themselves?

What if they recruited Trump, Kushner and Bannon to trick an army of truthers and shitposters to help him get elected?

What if this was never about giving the country

back to the American people?

What if this has always been a battle between

Israel and China?

Remember when Zionist shill, Alex Jones was

telling us that China owned Hollywood?

What if it was Trump and Barr that made sure

Epstein didn't talk because it would look bad for


Look, I don't want to believe this but you have

to admit that "The Plan" isn't looking like we

imagined it. Let's be honest, there is a chance

that we have fallen for another huge Jew lie