Anonymous ID: 90a58c June 1, 2020, 3:28 p.m. No.9418435   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Note the quote from Wray from November 2017 Congressional testimony. This is only a paragraph from the document. Full doc at link. Was thinking about this from the other day.

> Antifa 'mapping' started a long time ago.


According to news reports, since 2016 counterterrorism experts at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI, the Bureau) have been increasingly concerned about violence perpetrated by antifa supporters at public rallies where they confront their ideological opponents. Presumably, the Bureau would investigate antifa followers suspected of criminal activity as domestic terrorists, categorizing them as a type of anarchist extremist. FBI Director Christopher Wray has suggested as much, noting that the Bureau has opened counterterrorism investigations into people committing crimes in the name of antifa beliefs. In congressional testimony in November 2017, he said that the FBI was pursuing “a number of what we would call anarchist extremist investigations, where we have properly predicated subjects [people] who are motivated to commit violent criminal activity on kind of an antifa ideology. So we have a number of active investigations in that space, all around the country.” In public remarks in January 2018, Thomas E. Brzozowski, the Department of Justice’s Counsel for Domestic Terrorism Matters, reiterated Wray’s comments. The FBI has not made public additional information about its antifa-related cases.