Trump Impeachment - 1. Buy time. 2. Cover their crimes. 3. Weaken America's resolve.
Clinton Impeachment - 1. Cover up 9/11 planning 2. Cover up Rat Lines / Drug running / human trafficking by using sex as red meat to GOP. 3. Weaken America's resolve.
Reagan threatened Impeachment over Iran: 1. Cover up Iran Contra money laundering / weapons sales by Bush / CIA. 2. Weaken GOP resolve for Bush ascension.
Nixon Impeachment: 1. Cover up JFK 2. Cover up Vietnam 3. Weaken America and complete takeover of FBI with sights on DOJ. 3. De-stabilize political system to give way to dark horse candidates like Clinton / Carter.
JFK Assassination: What they did when they weren't using Impeachment as a leash. Garfield/Lincoln/Jackson (yes, they tried to shoot Jackson).