I'm here to inform of an important subject matter before things begin to really escalate, which by all accounts is highly likely to happen based on information my organization has uncovered.
First, I'm a first responder, pro MAGA and pro USA, but in no way shape or form do I, my organization, and peers support the officers that ended the life of G.F. The message we need to send out is to unify and not divide one another.
With that being said, recently a number of individuals that were taken into custody during the recent riots. These suspects were apprehended as they were vandalizing, inciting physical violence, and committing arson. All the individuals were dressed in black attire, with black face masks over the mouth and nose, and head coverings. Prior to processing, it was discovered that these individuals had in their possession pro MAGA and pro Qanon paraphernalia. These individuals displayed extreme pro USA views. When questioned about their actions they were quick to express support and loyalty to “Qanon” and “Trump,” but upon processing, the suspects had extensive arrest records mostly associated to ANTIFA and other similar extremist groups.
It was very clear to me that these individuals were trying to portray themselves as something they weren’t just to bring negative attention to the pro MAGA movement.
Please be careful! There is clearly something more conniving going on. From what I’ve been told, there have been similar incidences in a couple other states.
I'm here to inform of an important subject matter before things begin to really escalate, which by all accounts is highly likely to happen based on information my organization has uncovered.
First, I'm a first responder, pro MAGA and pro USA, but in no way shape or form do I, my organization, and peers support the officers that ended the life of G.F. The message we need to send out is to unify and not divide one another.
With that being said, recently a number of individuals that were taken into custody during the recent riots. These suspects were apprehended as they were vandalizing, inciting physical violence, and committing arson. All the individuals were dressed in black attire, with black face masks over the mouth and nose, and head coverings. Prior to processing, it was discovered that these individuals had in their possession pro MAGA and pro Qanon paraphernalia. These individuals displayed extreme pro USA views. When questioned about their actions they were quick to express support and loyalty to “Qanon” and “Trump." This board was also mentioned in the discussion. It was upon processing that the suspects had extensive arrest records mostly associated to ANTIFA and other similar extreme left leaning groups; a clear discrepancy.
It was very clear to me that these individuals were trying to portray themselves as something they weren’t just to bring negative attention to the pro MAGA movement.
Please be careful! There is clearly something more conniving going on. From what I’ve been told, there have been similar incidences in a couple other states.