>>9419816 (pb)
Hennipin County autopsy report said death was caused by restraint-induced cardiopulmonary arrest. This does not add up.
Cardiopulmonary arrest is a heart attack. Floyd had a heart attack while restrained on Fentanyl and Meth? Did the knee cause the arrest or the drugs?
Does a knee pushing on the side of your neck cause a heart attack? That's a new one. A new previously unknown cause of heart attacks. We need to ban all wrestling matches now.
If you have a bad heart condition and somebody gives you a big long hug and you die from a heart attack, is the hugger to blame for the death? Or was it an inevitability that could not be anticipated?
The first autopsy report is completely inconsistent with the 2nd autopsy, which said asphyxiation and brain blood supply interruption. This is different from cardiac arrest.
What were the levels of drugs in his blood? This is needed now to show he didn't die from drug overdose. The exact levels matter.
By the way, how does this explain that Floyd was having signs of heart attack while standing earlier next to the squad car? The signs were shortness of breath and a sense of impending doom. Where was the knee at that time? Not touching him. Still, the knee did it.
This is not adding up to anything so far, my frens. Nonsense.