Oregon GOP Chair Files Second Recall Petition Against Governor, Predicts Success
On Monday, Bill Currier, the Chair of the Oregon Republican Party, filed a petition to recall Governor Kate Brown (D-Portland). This is the second time he has attempted to recall the governor and believes the time is right to successfully have her dismissed.
In a statement, Currier said, “In 2019, there was clearly buyer’s remorse about Kate Brown’s leadership that led hundreds of thousands of voters to seek to hold her accountable. The conduct of the Governor during the events of 2020 has only served to reveal just how devastating Brown’s abuse of power could truly be upon Oregon. A year ago, citizens were angry, but now Oregonians are fighting for their livelihoods and their freedoms. Governor Brown’s unlawful executive orders stand in the way of restoring both.”
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Brown has faced multiple lawsuits over her executive orders shutting down most of the state’s economic activity without legislative oversight. The lawsuits contend that her orders are illegal on constitutional as well as statutory grounds.
Currier launched the first recall effort in 2019, after Brown attempted to ram through a cap and trade bill, gun rights restrictions, a draconian forced vaccination bill, and a corporate activities tax. The Democrats hold a supermajority in both houses of the legislature, so theoretically they should be able to pass anything they wanted.
After the Democrats refused to include House and Senate Republicans in crafting the bills in their agenda, the Senate Republicans refused to attend the sessions, denying quorum and halting the business of the legislature.
In the announcement on Monday, Currier said in the summer of 2019, the “Stop The Abuse – Recall Kate Brown” campaign pursued an all-volunteer, grassroots signature-gathering effort and gathered approximately 258,000 signatures. That total represented a record number of signatures gathered for any statewide recall petition in Oregon history. About one-third of the signatures came from non-Republicans.
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The combination of illegal lockdown orders in response to the CCP coronavirus pandemic and Brown’s utter failure to deal with riots in Oregon’s major cities make a recall vital at this time, according to Currier. “Oregon’s citizens have suffered enough as a result of the fallout of Brown’s handling of COVID-19,” Currier said. “The curve has been flattened, but now the Governor seems to be more interested in controlling and fleecing Oregonians for every penny, than keeping us safe. We can’t afford two more years of Kate Brown. Through her failed and abusive leadership, Kate Brown is effectively recalling herself. The campaign to end her disastrous tenure and bring new hope to our state starts today.”
Currier also cited the failure of the Oregon Employment Department and its ongoing problems approving new jobless claims created by the pandemic lockdown. About half of the 400,000 first time filers have still not heard back on the status of their claims, due to an ancient computer system that cannot handle the enormous volume.
The petition reads:
The people of Oregon deserve and expect a Governor that honors the will of the voters and works for the good of all citizens, not just special interests and politically motivated agendas.
Governor Brown has abused the office of governor and failed the people of Oregon in the following ways:
• Used COVID-19 to unlawfully restrict our freedoms, causing needless economic ruin
• Denied citizens the right to fully protect themselves as guaranteed by the Constitution
• Denied citizens protection from the growing domestic terrorist threat known as Antifa
• Attempted to deprive Oregon’s working families of jobs using faulty environmental policy
• Attempted to deprive Oregon’s families their right of medical and religious freedom
• Failed to address the PERS crisis that threatens the economy and government retirees
• Failed to protect Oregon’s foster children and failed to cooperate with investigations
• Overturned the will of the voters by granting Oregon driver’s licenses to illegal aliens
• Overturned the will of the voters by reversing ballot measures that limited taxation
• Squandered taxpayer money to launch frivolous million-dollar, politically driven lawsuits
• Repeatedly supported the use of the “emergency clause” on non-emergency legislation
(effectively denying the voters of Oregon a voice on legislation they oppose)