Maybe if Trump had actually gotten aggressive his first term, maybe if he actually took control of his DOJ, then maybe he wouldn't be getting his ass kicked by the media and a full strength left during election year. He had the house and the senate for 2 years. If he was getting blocked by RINO traitors, he could have taken his case to the people. He could have exposed those blocking him by name, explained what they were doing, and disclosed the financial interests and dirt that led to them being controlled by deep state powers. He didn't. Instead of disclosing the corruption, he posted riddles on an image board. Instead of hiring patriots loyal to his agenda, he hired traitors. Every time. In all probability, Trump probably just chose the agenda he ran on to get elected. Nothing he has done in the subsequent 4 years suggests he had any intention of carrying it out. No arrests, no wall, no disclosure. Sorry, but he was a false messiah. It happens. I was fooled too.
I'm not new retard. I just have an IQ and the ability to interpret and accept reality. Your ad hominem is noted though. A boring and transparent refuge of the weak and the stupid.