>>9424638 lb
VD Hanson is great, I've been reading him since the early 90s. Solid analyst.
>>9424638 lb
VD Hanson is great, I've been reading him since the early 90s. Solid analyst.
She's just fine.
One of Mr. Limon's staff will contact you shortly. Please stand by.
I know some college kids who think its hipster to go to the riots. I said just don't. They didn't.
Same here, the main police station is 2 short blocks from the biggest, trashiest encampment in the area. It started under Soetero and is getting worse.
The demoncrats find new ways to lose voters everyday, its amazing. Fucktards.
Well, there's a Burger King right around the corner from Lafayette Park.
It almost seems like theres a curfew to prevent rioting or something.
The police have no legal duty to protect anything other than the govt.
We'll see if there is a large antifa federal arrest list at the end of the week. That would help. The state courts do little in most of the cases.
Murder Hornet Bombs. BOOM!
Most doctors are mediocre vaccine and pills shills.
Trump gave them a big warning to stop rioting now. He didn't say by Friday or something.
Indica or Sativa?
Yes, and Dreams are still free.
Your vocabulary is obviously pretty limited. Have you considered going back to finish community college?
Creepy's still trying to learn to work the 'puter.
Pot makes you liberal? I'll tell my friends, they'll be shocked. Thanks, Dr. Fauci.
If you mean elementary school friends, that would be younger than 6th grade. You would know that if you had made it to high school. That's ok, Jethro, I'm sure you're real special.
The existence of the police state itself is the real problem, not race. The police victimize white people more than black, simply because there are more white people.
That is former L.A. City Councilman Alfredo Rodriguez.
It would be over quickly if the police are allowed to do their jobs.
Drastically reduce their numbers and funding, they won't be such tough guys and street thugs.
Trumps too busy locking up the Soetero Kartel.
Constitutional carry is what we need, there were very few cops in the Republic.