What I've been wanting to know though this whole thing is, where is this outrage the other 51 weeks out of the year? Dipshits in my city have to walk by 100-200 homeless people (some clearly near death) just to get to where the protests are being held for some guy killed on the other side of the country. Are they not important? Or is that just not a sexy issue like police brutality? The police headquarters is right near a bridge the homeless sleep under. They have had their area, the only place they can sleep, turned into a warzone for the past week with rubber bullets, flashbangs and rocks thrown all over the place, cars torched right in front of their tents. Do all these 'FUCK 12' protesters care about all the black and brown people right in front of them? Nope, not sexy enough.
Fuck these fucking people. I don't care if they're good-natured and just coming out to show support, they're a bunch of fucking phonies and someone needs to say it. No one gives a fuck about the abused and downtrodden the other 51 weeks out of the year, only when the cameras are rolling.