If you were a cool guy into Robotics and AI from Utah . . . he'd have posted your twitter a bunch of times already.
where do they take the pot? somewhere to piss in it?
if you don't know the culture or the language, why do they pay you to be a shill?
This american democrat politician meme is getting annoying . . . I'm not sure anymore if I'm watching a news converence from a major city or . . . .
no it's uncanny how that meme guy looks like real politicians.
Dec 2017, on that day . . .
the only way I got news for a year, before I ever heard of Q, was to watch feeds from Whitehouse.gov, and hunt for them on line, and to go to Our President's twitter and facebook.
and I would do my own searches.
and before I heard of Q I went to White House. gov on that Day in Dec and Melania had put up a Christmas video.
That was also the day that I heard . . . . first talk about Q, and I tried to read more and did but didn't find chan till a couple of weeks later, maybe Jan 5, an anjelic habbening.
and I was like 'what is this place I will be the one who knows who these people are and I will follow along.
How do I explain the rest of it? It took me a very long time to start to post.
and even longer to start to show my graphical skills.
and even longer to just say 'ya, no, it's better to tell the shills that they are shills if someone thinks it's real.
and even longer to understand what a troll is verse what trolling is.
Or that often you get 'put to the test' by someone like AFLB.
Or if Q is posting, shut the F up unless you're saying something real.
Or how frigging awesome . . .some of the people are, even namefags . . . (though they need to be told why it sucks tht they do it )
blah blah blah.
We're in the middle of some major stuff and Our President hasn't even tweeted the expected catch phrase.