Donald Trump, don't embarrass we who voted for your ass.
Jesus will show you the way. Your son-in-law wont.
Trump instead of using the bible as a photo op read it.
Life is eternal so are your bad choices.
You held the Bible up in front of the church like it was the first time you ever held it. It's not the book it's the words. Read it and read it fast.
you don't wasn't to suddenly realize you are the antichrist, there is still time but not much.
Q are you still loyal or are you Questioning?
Muh make America great again.
Skateboards kill people.
The Mcclungs are deep state trust fund Satanists.
Mr. Mcclung spent time in a Mexican prison for smuggling guns s into Mexico.
I was friends with the top evangelical pastors in the 1970's and 80's. I was shocked to find out it was just a job fore them and they didn't believe what they were peaching. One of them died of