Anonymous ID: 674666 June 1, 2020, 11:56 p.m. No.9426090   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes - there is a lot more activity by LEO/MIL than is being mentioned. They've been at this for a LONG time.


I suspect they (USAISA) have been using NSA's ThinThread to hoover ANTIFA's comms using the same FISC used against Flynn. (It goes both ways after all.)


Contact Tracing via Corona is a plausible excuse without technically breaching 4th Amendment protections. And now that over 4000 arrests have been made, and that phone data collected, we could have a treasure trove to work with.


It's the same principle behind Smollett.


I'm not knowledgeable enough about RICO statutes, but Barr announced recently that crossing state lines for purposes of rioting is a Federal Crime, and those local apprehensions would be handed over to the Federal System.


Those federal sealed indictments we've been watching have already seen a Grand Jury, so it's possible the data has already been collected - just waiting for ANTIFA to act (and individuals to get caught).