>>9425825 /lb
Pedophile central finally paid carlson enough money to turn.
This has nothing to do with President Trump…except he won an election that the pond scum thought they were going to win and they have been acting like they did win for 4 years and are just waiting for President Trump to vacate the WH so they can move in.
President Trump has done more for America and Americans than any President in American history - far more than a court jester could ever do.
The slimy scumball carlson just shows he is either completely misinformed or intentionally blaming the wrong party.
President Trump knows the law - seems carlson knows shit. In Constitutional Law it's the fckn State Governors with the power - in the first instance - and also the responsibility to stop what is happening. The Federal Government doesn't have - initially - the right to just take control over the States…unless a full end to democracy as an institution and adoption of something else is what one has in mind.
The President can ONLY take full control of the situation when he is asked to - and with sub-intellect, ethically and morally bankrupt demonrats being the governors and mayors with the biggest problem…as always…they aren't going to ask; they'll do like carlson and blame someone else. If it is shown that the governor and other State officials are incompetent and unable to manage the situation, or, are cowards/traitors and are assisting the chaos, then the President can initiate Martial Law, suspend Habeus Corpus and clean house. Wonder if that is what carlson wants? Nah, he seems to like the controversy.
If you want the Federal Government to trample all over the Constitution you are part of the problem and seem to want what the unwashed vermin in the demonrat party want - a dictatorship.
Fox is nearly dead. Now that carlson has shown his stripes that leaves only Ingraham, Dobbs and Levin that seem to be completely on President Trump's side. There are those who are wishy-washy but who think "their" ideas are better than President Trump's even though on absolutely any subject they have nowhere near a complete enough picture to even make an assessment that is other than one backed by 'muh feelz' so they should just opine on the weather and leave reality alone.
carlson should relax…the point of no return was passed the instant the first person was killed by pantifaggots and if the sub-human demonrat governors continue to ignore their people's safety then something will be done and there will be blood and there will be death - much death. Is that what morons like carlson want? It is only honorable to give the demonrats the right to act…they wont because they want more people to die so they can succeed in regaining power. That is how stupid these people are FFS!!! - and now carlson is sucking demonrat dick…sad.
Dude needs to get laid and take a month or two off.