Anonymous ID: 45673b June 2, 2020, 12:49 a.m. No.9426395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6456 >>6855 >>7126



Do you know the quote? Q and Q+ pointed to it, 5-31-2020 and 6-1-2020. 17 lead, 45 responds.


I would like to thank all the Anons who delved into explaining "Roger ball", or 'Roger, ball' as some might have it. Within that explanation there is focus on what tradition describes as an orange ball.  As I understand it, it appears by means of cockpit instrumentations for pilot benefit, yet the fixation is on carrier below. That posses interesting questions, to snowball some logic. Should we see POTUS, Orange Man, as pilot landing? Or does a pilot land on Orange Man's deck? Regardless, landing on a carrier is apt to mark end of mission. Should we read "Roger ball" as start or end, start of final approach, but still end. Or something in the middle of multiple sorties.  Do I overthink 17/45 (don't take that as math)?


Back to "Finally", do you get it yet? The start of Ephesians 6:10-18.


On 5-31-20 at 9:00:54,, qmap of course, yes that second is a mirrored 45, consider 45 catching himself in part looking behind in a mirror, review, looking back at Q. So think 45 response, forward in time.


Q 4374, "Be strong in the Lord"


What is POTUS response, T-16517, one in a hundred chances it ends in 17, but it does, response to Q's 54. See POTUS in picture, in front of St John, the Evangelist, holding up a Bible, not for reading but as if it is a sword… last element in the armor of God. Q started with text, 45 ended graphically. Together they encompass the armor of God.


This would and could be a great Q proof… but it is not. This is private message to kun/Anon, an Evangelical witness. 17 and 45 stand before us bearing there faith, asking us to consider our personal matters of faith.  This is an EVANGELICAL message, See the one lamp, 16517, lit. See the DOOR, "Behold I stand at the door", your door, my door. They ask for personal response, to God.


"Be strong in the Lord" appears 9 times in Q code, at least 10 counting the graphical, 3888.


3888, a png, comes 5:15 after 3387 which also shows same Eph verses, text form. So the combo is text version followed by graphic version, one day followed by we just witnessed the 4374/16517 pair. 3887 includes one link… 'Its going to be Biblical.' The suggestion is, not only in terms of world events, but also personal faith of each, Anon faith. This is witness, this is open invitation, reconsider the gospel.


3888 captures 2904 perhaps suggesting we might look back to 2903. Take CUE from "It's going to be Historical" fully kin to "It's going to be Biblical", 3387. We might want to recalculate the 21 day count of 2903, to a 16517 start. Or do I pack another Logic Snowball to big again. Q dual messaging fully at work here talking to each of us personally, faith in Jesus/God, and about world events, 21 day count down.


POTUS ends Rose Garden, 'very, very special place. Thank you very much." then goes directly to St John. Soros could be a point, but also consider John 14 and 18. Jesus prepares each of us a 'place', chapter 14. Chapter 18, Jesus goes to a 'place' to pray. Both are special places, of and for faith. Eph text, after sword, ends admonishing prayer. Stop in Chapter 14 if lack of faith dominates then proceed to 18, join in prayer for all.


"Finally" the omission, comes as quite the message, finally.