Just found out 4chan banned me, after shitting on liberals and shills constantly for months, because I posted that Q was real.
Twitter did the same thing 3 days ago.
We are here now
Just found out 4chan banned me, after shitting on liberals and shills constantly for months, because I posted that Q was real.
Twitter did the same thing 3 days ago.
We are here now
What the hell are you talking about?
Is that a beer joke?
Piss on this turd, thinking Mexican beer is a virus.
Racist af
Within this chaos, everyone's mind is scrambled.
During this time is a great time to slowly introduce the red pill.
That should be a lil motivation for ya.
Just start saving evidence you find, the cards are all on the table right now- hard to not see the hand
You know what they say: "Never waste a good crisis"
You'll win by keeping your mind strong and steady. You got this, Anon.
They're carrying dolls for little girls
Are they.. seriously, are they getting gifts right now?
That is gross.
Those poor little girls are gonna look up to these losers?
Chad went in there and walked out holding his own dick
Value is self-indulgent
Hope he sells it
Who brings a big ass wad of papers to church?
What church hands you a big ass wad of papers?
What the hell is that? Looks hand-written on the outside page..
Instantly spoopy.