>It is hard to get raw cards
Thanks for answering my noob Q's on the topic. I understand TCP/UDP but when it comes to Radio Signals and such, I'm clueless.
>It is hard to get raw cards
Thanks for answering my noob Q's on the topic. I understand TCP/UDP but when it comes to Radio Signals and such, I'm clueless.
> we would actually make it this close to bringing these people
I was planning on exchanging my life for 1 of theirs. I wish I was joking, but that was my plan. I figured if we went 1 for 1, the good guys would win the war of attrition. If I happened to get more than 1 of them in the process, then that would have been nice, but I was at least taking 1 with me. No, I won't tell you which one. He's a poser.