Anonymous ID: 953af6 June 2, 2020, 4:12 a.m. No.9427239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7391 >>7660 >>7794

9:23 p.m.: Atlanta police announced that 52 arrests had been made as of 8 p.m. Monday. That means at least 350 people have been arrested in connection with these protests since Friday night.


“The curfew is now in effect and officers are working to ensure compliance with the curfew and making arrests where needed,” Sgt. John Chafee said in a news release


Anonymous ID: 953af6 June 2, 2020, 4:33 a.m. No.9427341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7364 >>7391 >>7660 >>7794

The Items Showing Up At Protests Across the Country Have Police Talking and Raises Questions About Who’s Organizing All This


Nor could they account for the strange items beginning to show up at protests/riots.


Across the country, people are reporting pallets of bricks showing up readily available at protests/riots spots across the country, not necessarily near any construction areas or places where work is being done.


Here’s Manhattan:


Once again ANTIFA finds a “random” pallet of bricks…


Where did these come from?


— Essential Fleccas (@fleccas) June 1, 2020




That's roughly 6 pallets of brick. That's roughly 3600 dollars worth of brick at retail pricing. Who's paying for this?


— Balance (@Balance_In_Life) June 1, 2020


#AmericaOrTrump No construction in site but pallets of new bricks "mysteriously appear" on corners of protest cities like NYC, Fayetteville, Kansas City, and Dallas.


Were they planted to stoke violence? How did they get there?


— claudia fernandez (@bmialeja) June 1, 2020


So who's donating the pallets of bricks to these riot ravaged areas? Surely there's surveillance footage, and surely they arent being brought in by hand. Start checking camera footage, run license plates.


— Jerome Russell (@JeromeRussell5) May 31, 2020


Where did the bricks come from ? 🤔


— Big Boi (@BigBoi) May 30, 2020


Now I’m not one given to conspiracies, most of the riots are in cities where there is often construction going on, although many said there wasn’t in the areas in question.


But even the police think there are some questions worth asking here and they don’t think it’s just accidental there are these easily available weapons to destroy things with just where protests/riots would pass or are meeting.


They obviously believe they were there to be used in a riot.


A police spokesperson said they believed there were there for nefarious purposes.


From Daily Caller:


“I don’t know who would have put them there. I don’t think they’re doing any type of construction or anything like that. I sense that they’re probably there for nefarious use,” Capt. David Jackson told reporters on Sunday.


Kansas City police deemed protests near the Plaza unruly on Sunday night after demonstrators began throwing debris at officers.


Fires were also set during the riot. A reporter for KSHB, a Kansas City TV station, said her car was set on fire near the protests.


Actual protesters caught white rioters handing out bricks to black kids and let them have it.


Car full of white people gets caught handing bricks to group of young black men to throw.


Peaceful black protesters:


White. Liberals. Are. Not. Your.


— Rob Smith 🇺🇸 (@robsmithonline) June 1, 2020


We have learned of & discovered stashes of bricks and rocks in & around the Plaza and Westport to be used during a riot. If you see anything like this, you can text 911 and let us know so we can remove them. This keeps everyone safe and allows your voice to continue to be heard.


— kcpolice (@kcpolice) May 31, 2020


Good for that lady. Because the kids might then get arrested but these scum would go scot-free, their hands not dirtying their hands with the action.


Here’s the license plate number:


There's the tag number.


— Liza Griffin (@LizaGriffin5) June 1, 2020


But what police found in Baltimore was even more troubling. Yes, they found the brick stashes. But there was more.


Sources tell me officers are being briefed on the situation during roll call. This follows a weekend of mostly peaceful protests marred by pockets of violence and vandalism in #Baltimore

— JoyLepolaStewart (@jlepolastewart) June 1, 2020

Bottles with accelerators sounds like Molotov cocktails, like the two separate rioter incidents in New York reported here and here.

Anonymous ID: 953af6 June 2, 2020, 4:37 a.m. No.9427364   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Moar from this article

Some Democrats and folks in the media have been trying to falsely blame white nationalists for the violence at the riots.


Apart from the fact that we can see on videos that’s not true and we can see the organizing of radical leftist organizations/Antifa, there’s no way Proud Boys or the smattering of white nationalists across the country could be accounting for all the actions across the country.


White nationalists don’t have all this organization or the monetary ability to do this.


The Baltimore reporter adds the bricks happened during the riots in 2015.


During the 2015 riots, bricks were removed from construction sites and strategically placed across the City. In 2015 sources also indicated there were ieds located in areas of #Baltimore


— JoyLepolaStewart (@jlepolastewart) June 1, 2020

Anonymous ID: 953af6 June 2, 2020, 4:48 a.m. No.9427418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7428 >>7723 >>7792

Matt Walsh Drops Epic Thread Showing Media Hypocrisy Over Protests


Guise look at POTUS looking at Birx when she’s so worried about anti lockdown protests, that’s one candid moment there


The media have absolutely lost their minds. Just a few weeks ago, they were decrying peaceful protests pushing back on some of the draconian coronavirus lockdowns, claiming that such events would kill people and cause the virus to spread. If you went to the beach or the park, you were a selfish, irresponsible jerk trying to kill people’s grandmothers. Just seven days ago, I wrote this piece about media reactions to people swimming in a literal pool of disinfectant at the Lake of the Ozarks.


That’s all changed, though. The massive riots currently going on across the country have apparently cured the coronavirus, as the media are in full support, with CNN once again tonight urging people to get out and “protest.”


Matt Walsh, noticing this sudden flip-flop, dropped a pretty great thread showing just how the media treated protestors prior to the past week.


I guess black people are immune now? Or perhaps the media never really cared about them in the first place and were just stoking tensions to fit their narrative? I’m gonna go with the latter.


I wrote on this idea that anyone who protests doesn’t deserve medical care, noting that the same argument is never used when people protest the police, nor should it be. The fact that people protest is not a reason to deny them medical care or police protection. Yet, the media were fine with suggesting conservatives be left to die if they catch the virus while protesting. Will they hold that same standard with these current protests? I’m gonna suggest they won’t.


Matt Walsh


A thread about how protesting during a pandemic was described when conservatives were doing it

Anonymous ID: 953af6 June 2, 2020, 4:54 a.m. No.9427449   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7660 >>7794

Twitter Censors, Suspends Conservative Benny Johnson for Anti-Antifa Posts


Twitter Censors, Suspends Conservative Benny Johnson for Anti-Antifa Posts


Twitter’s “censors” are still working overtime to hide what they consider content “glorifying violence,” but of course that censorship is one-sided. While dozens of accounts supportive of Black Lives Matter “protests” have regularly tweeted threats to loot and set fire to “rich” neighborhoods and worse, the censors caught up with a two-day old tweet from famed conservative meme-maker and Turning Point USA Chief Creative Officer Benny Johnson cheering President Trump’s designation of Antifa as a terrorist organization.


On May 31 Johnson posted a tweet with the following verbiage:




…along with this photo of Johnson with lockdown protesters in Michigan:


Twitter’s censors told Johnson, “We’ve temporarily limited some of your account features.” because his account violated Twitter rules against “glorifying violence.”


Let that sink in a minute. Twitter is taking the time to censor an account “threatening” to defend innocent people and businesses against terrorist activity, accusing the owner of “glorifying violence,” while thousands of Antifa sympathizers use that platform to plot violence and theft against entire cities and towns simply on the basis of the racial or economic makeup of those cities and towns?


Anti-American. To regain access to his account, Johnson had to delete the “offensive” tweet and is relegated to Twitmo for 12 hours. In the meantime, he had words for Jack Dorsey and Twitter. In a statement to RedState, Johnson said: