Anonymous ID: 4e1f46 June 2, 2020, 7:02 a.m. No.9428395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8422 >>8486 >>8489 >>8516 >>8539



The situation now is called a "closed system" - typically, that refers to a government, in our case, since the D party is not in power, the media is the power. In such a closed system the media "owns the truth."

A closed system cannot withstand its own internal contradictions

Some examples of pointing this out:


Criminals were released from prison for their safety from CV19. If masks work to protect us from CV19, why not just give the inmates masks?


It's too dangerous to go to work because of CV19. But we have to wear masks in public because those protects us from CV19.

If masks work, why can't we return to work?

If masks don't, why do we have to wear them?


If white supremacists are the ones rioting, why are anti-racists in Hollywood raising money to bail them out of jail?


Things like this do not accuse, they do not attack a label, they are very powerful seeds that get planted, deep, deep in the unconscious and cannot be routed out. They are questions that point out the internal contradictions of the narrative, and the person seeing/hearing/reading them cannot help but think!


This is how the Soviet Union was brought down - constantly, relentlessly, mercilessly pointing out its internal contradictions.