Anonymous ID: cf113a June 2, 2020, 6:47 a.m. No.9428261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8627


It's going to be an energetic critical mass that turns the tide.

Western society has devolved into a postmodern ethos of irreverence and cynicism, while touting the virtuousness of 'progressive' views and demonizing the 'regressive' views of tradition and conservatism. Most people today have not put an iota of effort into self-reflection, they only seek placation through entertainment and hedonistic indulgence in sex, drugs, music, & food.


I think each of us needs to exude the light of true love and compassion (not the naive & false love preached by the liberal reactionaries) and be a beacon of Honorable values and behaviour. We have to remain in a state where we resonate positive energy into the world, unwavered by the base emotional energy being hurled from all around us.

Our actions and creative output must build a world that is undeniable and overwhelming in its beauty and positive energy, that will be the magic that overcomes the twisted hollywood/music industry mind control programming that is broadcast into receptive minds of the masses.

It's been, and will continue to be a daunting task, but it's what we're here for.

Anonymous ID: cf113a June 2, 2020, 7:19 a.m. No.9428570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8592


The first 2/3rd of this video focuses on some compelling ideas in regards to understanding the ethos of the ruling intellectual elites.

Plato's concept of the noble lie essentially lays out the duty of leaders to lie to their people in order to maintain governmental control, and the subsequent implications of how that puts them above the laws they impose on the populace.

Jorjani speaks with fluent understanding on many historical esoteric & exoteric and philosophical concepts, a valuable resource for understanding hoe [they] operate.