>>9428383 pb
>How do we break the spell?
I think it depends on whom you are dealing with and what opportunity is presented. Fundamentally it's about breaking them out of that matrix of thinking and to begin asking their own questions.
Recognizing that we are all victims of a Hegelian Dialectic-based War on Consciousness and that, but for the grace of God there go I is a great first step.
This can lead to a compassion and empathy that can course through the interaction and lead to moar effective results.
Case in point, I saw a woman in her 60's in the grocery store the other day wearing a mask and rubber gloves in a store where few were wearing them. She had grey curly hair while I have straight hair.
In the checkout line, sensing an opportunity, I told her that I was jealous of her hair to which she was appalled as she hasn't been to the salon in months and, even though they are now open her daughter informs her not to go because of all the people potentially spreading the CV19.
I told her I wouldn't worry too much about it because after my countless hours of investigations I determined it was fake. She indicated a quizzical nonverbal response which signaled an openness, so I told her to look up a work from 1942 called The Dream and Lie of Louis Pasteur. She asked me to repeat it, so I know she will do it and begin to question her daughters' authority over her mind.
Had she been more assertive in having her own opinion regarding the CV, I would have treated her like a dog needing to get a pill into her mouth and told her that prolonged wearing of a mask can lead to irreversible brain damage.