Anonymous ID: afea72 June 2, 2020, 9:46 a.m. No.9430192   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Found this in a FB posted today


" copy and paste to share




  1. DO NOT blackout your social media. No Black Lives Matter activists or folks on the ground asked for it. The music industry did, and they did so without committing to any changes (ie donating money to local organizers and bail funds, giving music rights to Black artists, securing fair contracts for Black artists, flushing out all the rapists and pedophiles). Nothing. When you do this and use tags tied to the organizers and protests, you are helping censor channels for communication and alternate media. Stop doing this. Find bail funds in YOUR COMMUNITY and donate. Donate DIRECTLY to Black folks individually who are being displaced, experiencing homelessness, etc in your community or elsewhere. Give people resources, not just sympathy.


  1. Do not organize on any social media, period. Do not use WhatsApp if you are coordinating anything. All of us are being monitored by the police and state/national intelligence. Facebook and Twitter freely give private DMs to the police. Get smart about your tech


  1. If you go to a protest, do not post the photos on social media unless you are equipped enough to know how to block out protestors’ face in a way that is not reversible through Photoshop. The police are mining Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to catch protestors and put them in jail.


  1. If you want to spread awareness, I am sorry, but the advice remains the same: you have to talk to your families about racism and your internalized racism against Black people. Period. You HAVE to talk to people, on the phone, in your house, etc. You HAVE to disrupt the status quo. You might be estranged, your mom might be annoyed at you for a long time, you might lose financial support, you might break up with your partner, you might lose friends, etc. But that is what you have to do."