Anonymous ID: ca9c85 June 2, 2020, 9:16 a.m. No.9429837   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9863 >>9882 >>9892 >>0127


background: have an older relative who i occasionally have conversations with about politics, President Trump, state of our nation, etc. she has always defaulted to the mainstream media opinion she hears and sees on her local channel-comcast nbc

so, today she calls me, she is quite upset and asks me what did i think of President Trump going to the church and holding up the bible, she asks this because comcast nbc told her this was wrong

i said of course President Trump was not wrong to go to the church and hold up the bible

told her she needed to stop listening to comcast nbc, that comcast nbc hates President Trump, hates our country, and hates her, and that they want the country destroyed

at this point she is crying

then she asks me what i think about the protesters

i told her that peaceful protesters have the right to protest per our Constitution, but rioters damaging property and harming others is not right

she again says that comcast nbc is saying that President Trump is attacking the protesters

i tell her he is trying to stop the violence

again i tell her she needs to turn of comcast nbc, they are just brainwashing her and they want to destroy our country

again she is crying, and seems like a turning point because she was so staunchly anti-Trump but could never really say why except what heard heard on the television

EPILOGUE: we are needed to help the normies through this process of awakening, it will be quite traumatic for some