Anonymous ID: cb6a00 June 2, 2020, 8:43 a.m. No.9429468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9492 >>9500 >>9783 >>9887 >>0006 >>0093

AOC helping rioters: 'Cover identifying tattoos,' wear heat-resistant gloves

Member of Congress offers advice for those 'protesting'


The "protesters" who are rioting, burning buildings, smashing storefronts looting should wear "nondescript, solid color, layered clothing" and "cover identifying tattoos," advises a member of Congress.


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., who has endeared herself to the far left with warnings such as the world "has only 12 years left," took to Instagram with tips for "protesting safely."


As anarchists, Antifa members and others destroy businessess and neighborhoods in minority communities and vandalize downtown cores of cities across the nation, protesters, she said, should be equipped with goggles and masks, emergency contacts and "heat resistant gloves."


She explains: "There are increasing reports and investigations that white supremacists may be infiltrating these protests, breaking windows and destroying property. If anything seems off to you, DOCUMENT IT."


And protesters should follow the directions from "grassroots black organizers."


"They have been at this a long time and are disciplined in the ropes of community organizing and demonstration."


Disrn reported the congresswoman "also lists items not to bring, including cell phones that have Face and Touch ID, unless those have both been disabled. She also recommends that any cell phone that is brought should be placed in 'airplane mode' and have its data usage disabled."


AOC has accused Christians of "weaponizing" the Bible to support "bigotry" and warned the world has only 12 years left because of global warming.


On Christians, she said during a House hearing: "It's very difficult to sit here and listen to arguments in the long history of this country of using Scripture and weaponizing and using Scripture to justify bigotry, White supremacists have done it. Those who justify slavery have done it. Those who fought against integration did it."