Anonymous ID: 8f20fd June 2, 2020, 10:08 a.m. No.9430467   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0620 >>0704 >>0883 >>0888

NY Gov Cuomo Blasts De Blasio For "Underestimating Problem," May Overrule NYC Mayor On National Guard Call


Andrew Cuomo's daily coronavirus press conference on Tuesday focused almost entirely on last night's riots, as looters and criminals, emboldened by NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio's refusal to call in the heavies, ransacked luxury goods stores down Manhattan's Fifth Avenue, and caused chaos across the city.


During the briefing, the governor said that neither Mayor de Blasio nor the NYPD did their job last night. Cuomo said he offered to send in the national guard to de Blasio and all other mayors in the state, but the mayor said the city could handle it. He also said he offered to send in state police backup, but de Blasio - fearing being labeled as a "facist" by some idiot with a rose-emoji in his or her twitter profile - again demurred.


Cuomo added that he believed the mayor "underestimated" the problem, and that the looting needs to stop "today." Cuomo added that he has the option to "displaced" the mayor and send in the national guard, but said he has been reluctant to take this option, saying it would introduce "a chaotic situation" within "a chaotic situation."



"You would have to take over the mayor’s job. You would have to displace the mayor. A) I don’t think we’re at that point. B) that would be such a chaotic situation, in the midst of an already chaotic situation."


After setting a useless 11pm curfew last night, de Blasio moved the curfew to 8pm on Tuesday following the previous night’s incidents, claiming "our first priority is to keep people safe, so I'm extending the curfew to Tuesday."


Cuomo also took a shot at Trump, both during his briefing and in a tweet.

Anonymous ID: 8f20fd June 2, 2020, 10:09 a.m. No.9430483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0503 >>0512 >>0620 >>0704 >>0883 >>0888

Peaceful Protester Arrested in Chicago After Filming Himself Handing Out Bombs at MN Riots and Posting on Facebook


Matthew Lee Rupert is not the smartest cop-hating, far left protester.


The Chicago man filmed himself handing out bombs to “peaceful” Minnesota protesters who then hurled the bombs at police.


Matthew Lee Rupert was charged Monday in Chicago with civil disorder, carrying on a riot and possession of unregistered destructive devices.


Rupert’s Facebook page is still live.


More from the UPI.


According to the criminal complaint, Rupert posted a video to his Facebook account on Thursday night, saying he was heading to Minneapolis, Minn., to participate in the protests calling for police accountability over the death of Floyd on May 25.


Prosecutors said Rupert streamed live to his Facebook account several videos lasting hours over the weekend showing him handing out explosives to throw at law enforcement officers, lighting a building on fire and looting a business in the city.

Anonymous ID: 8f20fd June 2, 2020, 10:10 a.m. No.9430494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0529 >>0620 >>0704 >>0883 >>0888

'Understandable & more than legitimate': Germany backs 'peaceful' US protests


Berlin has voiced its support for what it calls "legitimate" and "understandable" protests that are raging across the US. Germany also expressed hope that protests don't "turn violent" – which they already have.


The support for civil unrest, sparked by the death of unarmed black man George Floyd at hands of American police, was voiced by German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas on Tuesday.


The peaceful protests that we see in the US, involving many moving gestures, including by American police officers, are understandable and more than legitimate.


"I can only express the hope that the peaceful protests don't turn violent, and even more the hope that they will have an impact," the minister added.


While it's still quite unclear what "impact" the ongoing protests might have, the official's statement appears to be a little bit late to the party. The protests have been going on for nearly a week already and have spiraled into violence, widespread looting, arson and even shootings in many cities across the US.

Anonymous ID: 8f20fd June 2, 2020, 10:13 a.m. No.9430526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0541 >>0620 >>0704 >>0883 >>0888

Hedge Fund CIO: "Stocks Are Going Parabolic For All The Wrong Reasons: The Fed Made A Massive Mistake"


Authored by Eric Peters, CIO of One River Asset Management


“This game is about inches, little decisions, luck, never forget that,” grunted Bulldog, one of the great trading talents. “I saw that Wuhan mess in late Jan and bought S&P puts,” barked Dawg.


“By mid-Feb they were pretty worthless.” From Jan 31 through Feb 19 the S&P rallied 5%. “Once the market started to puke those puts came back to life, and with days left to expiration I sold them and went on vacation. That cost me a 50-1 payout,” he growled.


“It’s alright, I’ve gotten lucky plenty of times, move on, next,” said Dawg, itching a torn ear from some old brawl. “Stocks trade like they’re going parabolic for all the wrong reasons, like the Fed made a massive mistake, gave away too much free money.” 1998/1999 raced through Bulldog’s mind.


“The coming top is going to be it. We won’t see it again for decades.”


Herd: “I guess we’re entering the stage where we still pretend to care more about people’s lives than economic activity, but we kind of get on with it anyway,” said the CIO. “Looks like we’re going to let this thing just run its course, like the Swedes did, but without anyone ever acknowledging we made that decision.” The CDC’s latest report estimates a 0.4% fatality rate. To hit 65% herd immunity, 858k Americans will die in the absence of a cure/vaccine. “And if there’s one thing you know, it’s that if we get a 2nd wave there’s no way we lock down again.”


Schiff: It's "Game Over For The Fed"


In a speech at the Cambridge House Vancouver Resource Investment Conference back on Jan. 19, 2020, Peter Schiff said it was “game over” for the Federal Reserve. It’s interesting to look back at his remarks in context with what’s going on over at the central bank today. If it was game over then, where are we now?


Peter opened the speech by pointing out that going into 2019, everybody expected the Fed to raise interest rates three times.


Well, they got the number right. The Fed did move interest rates three times. Except the direction was the opposite of what everybody thought. Instead of hiking interest rates three times, the Fed cut interest rates three times.”

Anonymous ID: 8f20fd June 2, 2020, 10:14 a.m. No.9430536   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0585 >>0620 >>0704 >>0710 >>0883 >>0888

NIH Won't Release Wuhan Biolab Docs Due To 'Pending Investigations'


In 2014, the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) provided grants to EcoHealth Alliance, a global nonprofit organization which funds research on infectious diseases - including studies of bat coronaviruses in partnership with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), which has become the focus of international investigations into the origins of the coronavirus pandemic.


On April 15, when there were just 2 million cases and 128,000 COVID-19 deaths according to official counts (currently at 6.3 million infected / 376,000 fatalities), an organization called White Coat Waste filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the NIH for all correspondence with the State Department regarding the WIV, according to National Review.


Four days later, on April 19, NIH Deputy Director for Extramural Research, Michel Lauer, wrote in a letter to EcoHealth: "There are now allegations that the current crisis was precipitated by the release from Wuhan Institute of Virology of the coronavirus responsible for COVID-19. Given these concerns, we are pursuing suspension of Wuhan Institute of Virology from participation in federal programs."


Five days later, Lauer told the organization: "the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), an Institute with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), under the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has elected to terminate the project . . . NIH does not believe that the current project outcomes align with the program goals and agency priorities."


So - nine days after the FOIA request from White Coat Waste to the NIH requesting communications with the State Department about the Wuhan institute, the NIH cuts funding to EcoHealth, the organization funneling US taxpayer funds to the lab experimenting with coronaviruses.


The FOIA request hit a brick wall on May 22, however, when the NIH's FOIA officer, Gorka Garcia-Malene, wrote back:


The records you requested involve pending investigations. I have determined to withhold those records pursuant to Exemption 7(A), 5 U.S.C. § 552 and (b)(7)(a), and section 5.31 (g)(l) of the HHS FOIA Regulations, 45 CFR Part 5. Exemption 7(A) permits the withholding of investigatory records compiled for law enforcement purposes when disclosure could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings.


Lauer, in his original correspondence to EcoHealth, wrote "it is in the public interest that NIH ensure that a sub-recipient has taken all appropriate precautions to prevent the release of pathogens that it is studying."

Anonymous ID: 8f20fd June 2, 2020, 10:17 a.m. No.9430569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0704 >>0883 >>0888

Bosnia: Anti-migrant Security Minister resigns


Fahrudin Radoncic, Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Minister of Security who has taken a tough line on deporting illegal migrants, announced his resignation today. He cited disagreements with the government over migrant issues as one of the reasons for his departure.


Radoncic had announced in April that he intended to deport all of the approximately 10,000 illegal migrants Bosnia is currently hosting in its camps, apart from actual Syrian war refugees, as previously reported by Voice of Europe. He declared that his country would not be “a parking lot of migrants for Europe.”


Migrants end up in Bosnia as they follow the Balkan migration route from the European countries along the Mediterranean, where they cross illegally from Africa and Turkey. They end up in camps along the Croatian border, looking to eventually be able to find a way to cross it and thus end up in the European Union, where they hope to make their way to richer pickings in the nations of northwestern Europe.


While the official estimate of migrants in Bosnia is at around 10,000, more are coming all the time, and the impoverished nation has been forced to keep building new camps to house them. When the camps fill up, migrants spill out into the surrounding communities, often committing acts of violence and other crimes.


Radoncic announced his resignation at a meeting of Bosnia’s Council of Ministers today. He cited “political differences on strategic issues” with his colleagues in the government, including in relation to his intended deportations of migrants, as one reason for his departure, according to a report by Balkan Insight.


Radoncic had accused Pakistan’s ambassador of blocking efforts to establish the identities of Pakistani migrants in Bosnia, which is a necessary part of the deportation procedures. He had even threatened to declare the ambassador “persona non grata” if he did not cooperate more fully. This apparently caused alarm in Bosnian government circles.


Radoncic also cited a scandal involving the country’s Prime Minister, Fadil Novalic, who has been accused of paying for overpriced respirators from China, and poor relations between the various parties in Bosnia’s current governing coalition as other reasons for his resignation.


“I think that Radoncic did his job extremely well and bravely,” said Vjekoslav Bevanda, the country’s Minister of Finance. “He was one of the few people who adhered to principles.”

Anonymous ID: 8f20fd June 2, 2020, 10:20 a.m. No.9430604   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0678

As Cops Abandoned Them, Black and White Gun Owners Come Together to Protect Small Business


Parts of Minneapolis, New York, Atlanta, Seattle, and others cities from coast to coast are burning. The anger in the US toward the establishment has spilled over into the streets and while much of that anger was devoted toward government property and law enforcement, another unfortunate reality has unfolded.


Looting and rioting have leveled small businesses in Minneapolis and mom and pop shops have seen their life’s work — which was already struggling from the lockdown — burn to the ground. However, there are some folks who are refusing to lay down and let the looting crush their part of the American dream.


Armed to teeth with semi-automatic assault rifles and handguns, multiple gun owners — both black and white — have reportedly been coming together to protect private business from looters.


As cops focused on arresting and pepper spraying journalists, thieves and vandals were roaming free, and emptying the shelves of mom and pop shops while laying waste to others. The only deterrent to these bad actors destroying and robbing businesses were good actors — with big guns — who were there to stop them.


Many of the initial armed protectors we saw were divided based on race. Black business owners were protecting black businesses and even putting signs up in their windows that said “black owned,” to deter possibly racially motivated attacks.


What this illustrates is the immense power of the Second Amendment and how important it is when it comes to self-defense. Police cannot and will not be there to protect you and it is up to you to protect your own. Doing so why well armed makes that a far easier task.

Anonymous ID: 8f20fd June 2, 2020, 10:22 a.m. No.9430627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0667 >>0792

NY Attorney General Letitia James Threatens to Sue Trump Over Possible Military Deployment to Save Looted and Destroyed New York City


Police officers in New York City were beaten and run over by a car in three separate attacks on Monday night.


The attacks were all caught on video.


Looting and rioting in Manhattan was described by a reporter as “complete anarchy”. One police officer was seen lying injured on the sidewalk.


“Hard to describe how rampant the looting was tonight in Midtown Manhattan and how lawless it was. Complete anarchy. Literally hundreds of stores up and down Broadway, Fifth Ave, Sixth Ave. Kids ruling the streets like it was a party.”


All of this violence and looting moved the New York State Attorney General to act — Against President Trump.

AG Latitia James announced before she took office that she would go after President Trump.

On Monday Letitia James said she will go to court to prevent President Trump from taking action to save New York City from looters and thugs.

Anonymous ID: 8f20fd June 2, 2020, 10:23 a.m. No.9430637   🗄️.is 🔗kun

G7 is indeed outdated and out of touch, Moscow agrees with Trump, but without China it will stay that way


Moscow agrees with Donald Trump’s criticism of G7 as a “very outdated” institution that does not represent “what’s going on in the world,” but cannot see how it can be improved without China’s participation.


The US president lashed out at the group of seven major industrialized nations last week as he canceled a planned G7 summit in the US. The event was scheduled for June, but Trump said he wanted an extended meeting in September, and wanted Russia to attend.


“I’m postponing [the summit] because I don’t feel, as a G7, it probably represents what’s going on in the world. It’s a very outdated group of countries,” Trump told reporters on board Air Force One on Saturday.


A spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry on Tuesday said “everyone agrees” with this stance, including Russia, but Moscow doesn’t agree with Washington’s apparent intention to keep Beijing out.


“It is obvious that… without China, realizing any serious global initiative would likely be impossible,” Maria Zakharova said. She reiterated Russia’s view of the G20 as a tried-and-tested format for international economic discussions that represent “leaders of economic growth and political influence of the entire world, and not just one of its parts.”


Moscow’s participation in the group, which used to be known as the G8, was suspended in 2014 after a political crisis in Ukraine and Russia’s reunification with Crimea, which other members labeled an annexation. The Russian government said in response that it was skeptical about the group’s relevance, saying it has long been eclipsed by other fora like the G20.

Anonymous ID: 8f20fd June 2, 2020, 10:24 a.m. No.9430653   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Amazon Sells $10 Billion In Bonds At Record Low Yields


Yesterday morning we reported that the news of Amazon's massive, 6-part bond issuance - which came just as Morgan Stanley upgraded the company's price target to $2,800 - was enough to push Treasury yields to session high following a flurry of rate locks. Little did we know that just a few hours later demand for the offering would overflow dealer books, and the result as announced late on Monday, was the sale of $10 billion in a more than 3x-oversubscribed offering (led by DB, GS, HSBC, JPM) that included three-year notes carrying an interest rate of just 0.4%.


This means that just days after US investment-grade issuers sold more than a record $1 trillion in debt in just the first 5 month, Amazon locked in the lowest borrowing costs ever secured in the US corporate bond market. The rate on 3Y notes was below the previous record low of 0.45% reached in 2012 and 2013 by companies including Apple, IBM and Walt Disney.


The full breakdown of Amazon's deal pricing is as follows, courtesy of Bloomberg:


$1b 3Y Fixed (June 3, 2023) at +25

Guidance +25#, IPT +40 area



$1.25b 5Y Fixed (June 3, 2025) at +50

Guidance +50#, IPT +65 area

1-month par call, MWC


$1.25b 7Y Fixed (June 3, 2027) at +70

Guidance +70#, IPT +85 area

2-month par call, MWC


$2b 10Y Fixed (June 3, 2030) at +85

Guidance +85#, IPT +105 area

3-month par call, MWC


$2.5b 30Y Fixed (June 3, 2050) at +110

Guidance +110#, IPT +130 area

6-month par call, MWC


$2b 40Y Fixed (June 3, 2060) at +130

Guidance +130#, IPT +150 area

6-month par call, MWC


As the FT summarizes the issuance, "the rate on the new three-year note was less than two-tenths of a percentage point above the rate investors charged the US government when it issued debt of a similar maturity in May — a stunning turn for a company whose debt was considered junk as recently as 2009." And since US debt issuance is about to explode, it wouldn't be surprising if Amazon's debt will prices through Treasurys.


Compare Amazon cost of debt to 2017, when the online monopolist paid 1.9% on a three-year note to fund its takeover of the grocer Whole Foods Market.


Amazon’s new 7- and 10-year issues carried coupons of 1.2% and 1.5%, respectively, also the lowest ever in the US corporate bond market, toppling a record set by the retailer Costco earlier this year. The coupon on Amazon’s new five-year bond matched a low set by the drugmaker Pfizer in May, at 0.8 per cent. The company also issued 30-year and 40-year debt.


Investors have been clamouring to lend to blue-chip companies since the Fed provided an unprecedented backstop to financial markets in March, which included a promise to buy corporate bonds. The US central bank’s intervention helped to bring down corporate borrowing costs, which had spiralled to a 10-year high during the coronavirus induced sell-off in March.


"There have been companies that have benefited from this pandemic and Amazon is one of them,” said Monica Erickson, head of investment-grade corporates at DoubleLine Capital in Los Angeles. “You can shop while still abiding by social distancing. They have a lot of goodwill right now."


Amazon said it would use the cash from the new bond offering for general corporate purposes, which of course is a politically correct way to define buybacks.

Anonymous ID: 8f20fd June 2, 2020, 10:25 a.m. No.9430663   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Twitter cites GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz for 'glorifying violence' in tweet about hunting down Antifa


The social media outlet blocked the post from being liked or retweeted


Twitter restricted a post from Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz on Monday in which the congressman suggested hunting down members of Antifa, a group that President Donald Trump recently announced would be designated as a terrorist organization, USA Today reported.


Antifa is believed to be responsible for inciting a significant amount of the rioting and looting that has occurred in recent days amid mass protests of the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.


"Now that we clearly see Antifa as terrorists, can we hunt them down like we do those in the Middle East?" Gaetz tweeted Monday afternoon.


Twitter hid that tweet behind a notice that read: "This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules about glorifying violence. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public's interest for the Tweet to remain accessible."


Users have to click "view" on that message in order to actually see the tweet. Additionally, they are not able to reply to it, like it, or retweet it without comment. Those restrictions serve to limit the distribution of the violating post.


Gaetz spent much of the afternoon decrying this decision by Twitter, responding to critics of the tweet, and pointing to examples of allegedly improper posts that Twitter did not treat similarly, including a tweet from former NFL quarterback and social justice activist Colin Kaepernick.


"When civility leads to death, revolting is the only logical reaction," Kaepernick's tweet reads. "The cries for peace will rain down, and when they do, they will land on deaf ears, because your violence has brought this resistance. We have the right to fight back!"


"Twitter has no problem with this incitement of violence," Gaetz wrote of Kaepernick's tweet. "I called for government action against terrorists, and they deemed that naughty. Feels good to virtue signal now Twitter. But this will be hard to explain later. See you in the Judiciary Committee."


Twitter has drawn the ire of President Trump for putting the so-called "public interest notice" on his tweets, leading to an executive order aimed at preventing online censorship.

Anonymous ID: 8f20fd June 2, 2020, 10:28 a.m. No.9430707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0717 >>0777 >>0883

Belgium: Black Lives Matter holds illegal demonstration in Ghent


The mysterious group calling itself “Black Lives Matter Belgium” held a demonstration in Ghent yesterday in defiance of ongoing social distancing measures which forbid public gatherings. The authorities took no action, however. The event also went ahead despite the fact that a demonstration planned in Brussels for earlier the same day by the same group was banned by the police.


Approximately 500 demonstrators gathered at Sint-Pietersplein square starting at 3:30 PM yesterday. The purpose of the event was to show solidarity with the ongoing riots in the United States over the past week following the death of George Floyd, a black suspect, while he was being taken into custody by the police, which many consider to have been a case of police brutality.


Black Lives Matter Belgium (BLM Belgium) was listed as one of four organisers on the Ghent event’s Facebook page, along with Actief Linkse Studenten & Scholieren Gent, Blokbuster, and Campagne ROSA Gent. Demonstrators also chanted “black lives matter” during the demonstration.


The municipal authorities said that the demonstration received no official permission, and that it was in fact illegal since public gatherings are still banned as part of the lockdown. However, although officers were present at the scene, the police allowed it to proceed regardless and no fines were issued to the participants, according to a report by Het Laatste Nieuws. The city government did say that the organisers would be fined 250 euros for violating the lockdown.


The organisers said they would be happy to pay the fine and that a collection would be taken up among their supporters to cover it.


Some reports claimed that the authorities didn’t intervene because all the participants obeyed social distancing measures by wearing facemasks and remaining one-and-a-half metres apart. However, a report by SCEPTR contradicted this claim, saying that some of the videos and photos taken of the event show that the demonstrators did not always follow the guidelines (see below).

Anonymous ID: 8f20fd June 2, 2020, 10:32 a.m. No.9430763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0868 >>0876

Seattle Councilmember Says She Can’t Figure Out Why ‘Looting Bothers People’ When People Are ‘Dying Every Day’


Seattle councilmember Tammy Morales said Monday that she can’t understand “why looting bothers people so much more” than black people “dying every day” at the hands of police.


Morales was speaking at a session of the Seattle council, saying: “What I don’t want to hear is for our constituents to be told to be civil, not to be reactionary, to be told that looting doesn’t solve anything.”


“It does make me wonder and ask the question why looting bothers people so much more than knowing that across the country, black men and women are dying every day, and far too often at the hands of those who are sworn to protect and serve,” she continued.


Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan took to Twitter Sunday night to blame “white men” for the “violence and destruction” that has plagued American cities from Los Angeles to New York since the death of George Floyd after his arrest by Minneapolis police officers. She was referring to the various nonblack political groups which have allegedly infiltrated otherwise peaceful protests and turned them violent.


“I want to acknowledge that much of the violence and destruction, both here in Seattle and across the country, has been instigated and perpetuated by white men,” she wrote. Durkan said these men “experience the height of privilege and are co-opting peaceful demonstrations.”

Anonymous ID: 8f20fd June 2, 2020, 10:33 a.m. No.9430779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0883 >>0888

Joe Biden Appears to Blame Police for Riots: They ‘Escalate Tension’


Vice President Joe Biden blamed police for “escalating[ing] tension” across the nation in a speech delivered Tuesday in Philadelphia’s city hall to respond to President Donald Trump’s nationwide crackdown on violent protest and looting.


Biden spoke on the morning after protests over the killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis, Minnesota, had once again erupted into violence and looting in many cities.


Biden criticized violent protest, but also blamed police:


There’s no place for violence, no place for looting or destroying property or burning churches or destroying businesses, many of them built by the very people of color who are [for] the first time in their lives are beginning to realize their dreams and build wealth for their families. Nor is it acceptable for our police, sworn to protect and serve all people, to escalate tension, resort to excessive violence. We need to distinguish between legitimate, peaceful protests and opportunistic violent destruction.


It was not immediately clear what Biden meant, though the New York Times claimed, inaccurately, on Sunday that police had responded to protests with greater force.


In many cities, in fact, many residents complained that police had retreated in the face of widespread looting and destruction in Santa Monica, Philadelphia, and other cities.


The Trump campaign responded to Biden’s speech by accusing him of “stand[ing] with the rioters,” noting that Biden’s staff had paid the bail for several people who had been arrested by the police during the clashes.

Anonymous ID: 8f20fd June 2, 2020, 10:36 a.m. No.9430826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0888

Even Far-Left Southern Poverty Law Center Says No Evidence White Supremacists Sparking Riots


There is “no clear evidence” white supremacists are participating in the rioting and looting sweeping U.S. cities across America following the death of George Floyd, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) conceded in a New York Times report published Sunday.


“Signs of any organized effort or even participation in the violence were relatively rare,” the Times acknowledged in the bottom half of its article, referring to white supremacists.


“I have not seen any clear evidence that white supremacists or militiamen are masking up and going out to burn and loot,” Howard Graves, an SPLC research analyst who tracks white supremacists and other anti-government extremist groups, told the newspaper.


On Monday, Politico did report an account linked to white supremacists was posing as the far-left group Antifa that espouses anarchist views and encouraging violence early last week, two days after Floyd’s death on May 25.


Citing the FBI, a May 29 U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) intelligence memo to authorities, marked unclassified/law enforcement sensitive, reportedly said that on May 27 “a white supremacist extremist Telegram channel incited followers to engage in violence and start the ‘boogaloo ’— a term used by some violent extremists to refer to the start of a second Civil War — by shooting in a crowd.”


A Telegram message urged potential shooters to “frame the crowd around you” for the violence, the DHS document added, according to Politico, which does not provide any evidence of white supremacists actually participating in the riots.


Some supporters of the “boogaloo” should be easy for law enforcement to detect among the rioters and looters since the Times reported they are known to wear Hawaiian shirts.


The SPLC analysts’ comments about there being no evidence white supremacists are taking part in the rioting and looting came after Democrat political leaders in Minnesota, on Saturday, indicated without evidence white supremacists were instigating the civil unrest.


Several news outlets, however, quoted an unnamed spokesperson for the Minnesota Department of Public Safety admitting authorities in the state “cannot say we have confirmed we have cells of white supremacists.”