>>9430071 lb
You are assuming that the state is a monolithic entity. I don't trust anyone but one other person, anon. However, I do know that the overwhelming majority of people are not violent and are not stupid.
These riots are limited to regions where the judges hand out mild sentences for violent people and whose politicians/executives are favorable to the riots. If they were to head out to "red districts", they would get shot and locked away, where they would rapidly lose their manpower.
And, yes, I do know exactly what game is being played. Everything unfolding now is precisely what I described over fifteen years ago, now. To include the surveillance state and big tech, as well as the involvement of China in all of this, as well, playing off of social instability wrought by the left.
I was a teenager in school at the time. 'These people' are the equivalent of snot nosed kids to me. They just have more money and never thought they needed to learn more.
Working among people and within their institutions has taught me much. They think a king lives above others, but a true king is the embodiment of his people's dreams and will - the one they who everyone wants to be like. I wish there was a good link to the excerpt from Fate/Zero with the meeting of kings. King Arthur, Gilgamesh, and Alexandr the Great all sit down to drink and debate the nature of a king.
Alexandr schooled Arthur (Arturia because animu) that a noble king may be respected, they are completely unrelatable and no one wants to live the life Arthur did.
Yet Arturia's loss of words and response was mainly a lapse of experience and perspective. As Irisveil incants when Excalibur is used - The King of Knights represents the nobility of law and the preservation of a nation over their own life.
Gilgamesh is the proper king of kings, to a fault. His skepticism regarding the Holy Grail and his dominance over his life and death make for a very compelling character who views himself as being the life and the law. It's arrogant, yet not without validity.
Gilgamesh is summoned as a servant bound to the commands of another, yet even so, he is a king over kings. And that is what the types plotting all of this fail to understand. The king of kings could be born to beggars and live as a simple farm hand and it would not change his mastery over life and death, nor make them any less bound by the truth of his words.
Whereas Alexandr and Pendragon are each the kings of the ideals of men, Gilgamesh is the king of existence, itself as the King of Heroes.