Anonymous ID: 38984a June 2, 2020, 10:50 a.m. No.9431029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1070 >>1177 >>1783 >>2182

OPERATION RACE WAR: A Highly Organized Communist Plot to Collapse the American Republic via CIVIL WAR 2.0



2020 Coronavirus Pandemic & Staged Race War

Parallel the Same Warmongering Scheme as the1918 Spanish Flu Genocide & 1917 Bolshevik Revolution









People, it’s never been so imperative to apprehend that the very same New World Order globalist cabal responsible for the 1918 Spanish Flu Genocide and 1917 Bolshevik Revolution are now destroying the American Republic with a quite similar stratagem.


There is no more effective way to destroy a nation than to do so from within. Toward that end, a civil war is being engineered by the NWO globalists in the same way that Russia was targeted by the International Banking Cartel & Crime Syndicate and Khazarian Mafia during the Bolshevik Revolution which was then morphed into a manipulated Russian Revolution.


Just like the Syrian War of the last decade was not a civil war, as the Ukraine War was also not a civil war, the current race war in the USA has been stealthily fomented by domestic traitors such as George Soros, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff as well as by globalist foreign agents directed by the International Banking Cartel & Crime Syndicate and Khazarian Mafia.


KEY POINTS: Operation Gladio uses the open borders to sneak across terrorists cells who will then carry out false flag terrorist attacks upon being triggered by their CIA handlers. Gladio is steadily and stealthily building a secret army of foreign mercenaries, criminals, terrorists and other soldiers-of-fortune in every major city in America. Just as Syria was overwhelmed by Gladio-directed terrorist groups practically overnight, these strategically positioned terror cells are being readied to spring into action once the traitors push the button on CIVIL WAR 2.0. See: OPEN BORDERS & ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: A Highly Organized Communist Plot to Destroy the USA

*Operation Gladio is the terrorist arm of NATO often known as the “North Atlantic Terrorist Organization”


It’s of paramount importance to understand at this critical point in US history that this same takeover game plan was used once before in Russia via the Bolshevik Revolution from 1917 through 1923. That the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic began just a few months immediately following the start of the Bolshevik Revolution was no coincidence; rather, it was planned that way by the same globalist perpetrators who were responsible for both genocides.


As a matter of historical fact, the list of world wars and economic depressions, pandemics and genocides directly attributed to the same bankster perps is considerably longer than the aforementioned four. For example, what follows are just the major cataclysms that have plagued humanity over the past 100 plus years.

Anonymous ID: 38984a June 2, 2020, 10:52 a.m. No.9431050   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1072 >>1177 >>1645 >>1783

Hamburg Judge Linked to Far-Left Antifa Extremists and Banned Kurdish Terrorist Group


A constitutional judge in Hamburg has been linked to Germany’s far-left extremist Antifa scene as well as the banned Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) terrorist group.


Judge Cornelia Ganten-Lange, formerly an asylum lawyer, was elected to the Hamburg constitutional court in 2009 and again in 2015. She has been reported to have a deep history with Antifa far-left extremists during her legal career.


She has previously spoken at events held by the organisation Rote Hilfe, or Red Help, which is classified as extremist by the German Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution. She spoke on topics relating to Turkish far-left extremists after representing several members of the PKK terror group in court cases.


According to a report from German newspaper Die Welt, at least one of these conferences was held at the notorious Rote Flora building, an abandoned theatre in Hamburg that has been occupied by far-left Antifa extremists for over 30 years and is regarded as their headquarters in the city.


Along with the Rigaer 94 squat in Berlin, Rote Flora is regarded as one of the most important headquarters of Antifa in Germany and was their base for the 2017 G20 riots.


Rote Hilfe is described by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) as a legal organisation that provides “criminal and violent offenders from the left-wing extremist spectrum with political and financial support, for example in the case of legal and litigation costs as well as fines”.


They add that the group also attempts “to discredit the security and judicial authorities and democracy based on the rule of law through public opinion work”.

Anonymous ID: 38984a June 2, 2020, 10:53 a.m. No.9431064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1177 >>1783

Far-Left Antifa Anarchists Take Credit for Setting French MP’s Car on Fire


The far-left anarchist group “Attaque” has taken credit for an attack on the vehicle of an MP belonging to French President Emmanuel Macron’s La République En Marche! (LREM/Republic on the Move).


The arson attack took place outside the home of French MP Eric Alauzet in the city of Besançon and saw his car set on fire, with the blaze spreading to other vehicles parked next to it belonging to his neighbours.


Alauzet said he was “revolted” by the incident and said the attack had come after at least a year of constant harassment.


“I have been subjected to constant aggression for a year, I have been insulted on social networks, received threatening, anonymous letters,” he said and added it was clear the group wanted to intimidate him, France Bleu reports.


The anarchist group took credit for the attack on Saturday morning and put out a statement saying: “Fire on all authority! For freedom.”

Anonymous ID: 38984a June 2, 2020, 10:54 a.m. No.9431074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1177 >>1783

Farage: UK Must Get Tough on China, Biggest Geopolitical Struggle Since Fall of Berlin Wall


Nigel Farage has said that China’s increasingly aggressive foreign policy stance since it let the Wuhan virus loose onto the world must force Prime Minister Boris Johnson to get tough on the communist country.


Leaked documents from the World Health Organization (WHO) revealed that China had withheld vital information on coronavirus in the early days of the outbreak. While for a fortnight afterwards, China delayed sharing critical information to the WHO on human-to-human transmission, according to records obtained by the Associated Press and reported on Tuesday.


The latest report of a Chinese coverup of the deadly pandemic has handed the West more impetus to get tough on China. Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage, in particular, has been consistent in calling for the British government to take a stronger position on the communist state’s transgressions on the global stage.


Speaking to The Sydney Morning Herald on Tuesday, Mr Farage noted that China had shown its “true colours” in recent weeks, with its increased aggression towards those who call for the eastern powerhouse to take responsibility for the spread of the virus. Last month in retaliation for Canberra calling for an independent investigation into the virus’s origins, China put an 80 per cent tariff on Australian barley.


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has also called for an international probe into origins of coronavirus. The calls were timed with several reports that the UK is planning to pull out of a deal for the all-but-state-owned Huawei to build 35 per cent of the UK’s 5G network, which intelligence allies warn represents a security risk. In response, Chinese state-owned media said that the UK would pay a “price” for expelling the tech firm.

Anonymous ID: 38984a June 2, 2020, 10:58 a.m. No.9431123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1165

Report: Hillary Clinton Gave $800K To Fund Antifa Groups


September 20, 2017


After failing to become president of the United States, Hillary Clinton did what a lot of dejected politicians do: She started a super PAC. And after four months of soliciting donations, it appears that Clinton has been quietly using the money to fund resistance groups, including the militant and violent antifa.


Clinton’s PAC, Onward Together, openly partners with five left-wing political groups: Indivisible, Swing Left, Color of Change, Emerge America, and Run for Something, all of which have ties to antifa. Despite all these partners, however, the PAC website is bare-bones. There are just two tabs: One explaining the group’s “mission,” and another asking for donations – with no indication as to where the money would go. So, in order to get to the bottom of the mystery, The Daily Caller decided to give all five antifa-linked groups a call.


The result? Only one group – Indivisible, a George Soros-backed “resistant” outfit – denied receiving financial support from Onward Together. “Onward Together has not given any financial support to us,” Helen Kalla, an Indivisible spokesperson, responded via email. She further explained that the Clinton PAC has mainly helped them by “amplifying and highlighting our work through their digital networks” via things like retweets and emails. However, just last week, Onward Together sent out an email explaining why supporters “might not have heard much about the work we’re doing.”


Asking for money while continuing to dodge the issue of where the money is going? That’s vintage Clinton if I do say so myself.


As for Onward Together, they did not respond to The Daily Caller’s request for comment.


According to FEC filings, Clinton transferred $800,000 from her failed presidential campaign to Onward Together shortly before announcing the creation of the PAC in May. Where did all that money go? There’s no evidence to indicate that it didn’t go straight to antifa-linked groups. And lest we forget, the Department of Homeland Security already internally treats Antifa as a domestic terrorist organization.


Hillary Clinton does not want to move “Onward Together.” Like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum, she can’t deal with the fact that she didn’t get her way – and she’d rather tear down America than cooperate.

Anonymous ID: 38984a June 2, 2020, 11:13 a.m. No.9431380   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1783

Shootout In Vegas: U.S. Marshal Shot Near Courthouse, LV Officer Shot Near Circus Circus Casino


A possible SNIPER is on the loose in Las Vegas, as a US Marshal and a Las Vegas Metro Police officer have been killed, possibly at two different location. SWAT team has been called in to the Circus Circus hotel and casino.

This is a developing story and information is still coming in.

Check out these videos, where you can hear a hail of gun fire erupting:

Anonymous ID: 38984a June 2, 2020, 11:14 a.m. No.9431404   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1783 >>2137

Abbott to Farage: Bojo Needs His ‘Mojo’, Must Start Sending Back Illegal Boat Migrants to France


In an interview with Brexit Party Leader Nigel Farage, the former prime minister of Australia, Tony Abbott, said that Britain needs to take a hard stance in stopping illegal boat migrants sailing across the English Channel from France in order to halt the growing crisis.


Mr Farage, who has been actively exposing the increased levels of migrants flowing across the Channel during the national coronavirus lockdown, spoke to the former Aussie PM — well known for his successful hard-line approach to tackling illegal boat migration — to see what the UK should be doing to quell the growing influx.


In the interview, the arch Brexiteer noted that the French navy has been “escorting” boat migrants into British territorial waters, adding that the UK Border Force is then “happy to pick these people up”.


Mr Abbott replied that his country experienced a similar problem, in which the Coast Guard was acting more as a “Coast Guide” in bringing illegal boat migrants from Indonesia ashore at Christmas Island, an Australian territory off the coast of the Indonesian capital of Jakarta.


“We had a similar situation, in some respects, at least, during the Rudd-Gillard era. The Australian navy was patrolling the seas between Java and Christmas Island. We were routinely coming across people-smuggling boats, which were inevitably unseaworthy, and our navy picked up the passengers and took them to Christmas Island, which was exactly what they wanted,” Abbott said.


“You’ve got to be firm to be fair, you’ve got to be tough to be kind in the end, and the kindest thing you could do is to close down the people-smuggling trade. That means as soon as you come across a people-smuggling boat, you stop it and take it back to the place from where it came,” he told Nigel Farage on Monday.


The government of the United Kingdom has claimed that under international maritime laws, the French navy cannot stop the migrant filled vessels from crossing the Channel unless the migrants request for help.


This justification comes in contrast to the policy by carried out Mr Abbott’s government during Operation Sovereign Borders, which after its introduction in 2013 has effectively shut down illegal boat migration to the country.


The border policy enabled the Australian border force to intercept migrant boats at sea, where they will either be turned back to where they set off from, or be taken to off-shore asylum processing centres in third countries.

Anonymous ID: 38984a June 2, 2020, 11:14 a.m. No.9431413   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russian General Warns US, NATO Of ‘Provocative’ Drills Near Border


General objects to NATO's simulated strikes on Russian territory


Russian General Sergei Rudskoi has issued a formal letter to NATO on Monday criticizing them for holding a growing number of military exercises immediately along the Russian borders, and in many cases, directly aimed at Russia.


Russia and NATO tend toward having military exercises on their respective frontiers, which the other side almost always labels as provocative, even though both sides do it. There are clearly differences between defensive training and practicing aggressive operations.


In this case, NATO is preparing for the later. Rudskoi singled out a recent Barents Sea drill in which they were simulating attacks on Russian territory and the seizure of Russian ICBMs. This was the first such NATO drill since the Cold War.


US and British flags in the Barents Sea was seen as particularly jarring for Russia, but officials say they intend it to be the “new normal” With NATO interested in challenging Russia’s claims in the north, this is likely to be a growing concern.