Anonymous ID: 49218f June 2, 2020, 11:23 a.m. No.9431524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1629

Twitter temporarily suspends account of New York City police union which 'doxxed' Mayor de Blasio's daughter by posting her arrest report online


Twitter on Monday temporarily suspended the account of a major New York City police union which posted the arrest report for Mayor Bill de Blasio’s daughter which contained her personal information.


The Sergeants Benevolent Association, the second-largest police union in the city which represents some 11,000 sergeants in the NYPD, ‘doxxed’ 25-year-old Chiara de Blasio.

The mayor’s daughter was taken into police custody on Saturday night after police infiltrated an ‘unlawful assembly’ of about 100 protesters at 12th Street and Broadway in Lower Manhattan.


‘Doxxing’ is a term to describe using social media or the internet to post sensitive information about an individual so as to embarrass them or cause them harm.



Anonymous ID: 49218f June 2, 2020, 11:24 a.m. No.9431543   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Even During a Pandemic, Israeli Soldiers Shoot Holes in Water Tanks at Kafr Qadum


In recent weeks, soldiers have repeatedly shot holes in water tanks on the roofs of homes in Kafr Qadum. The shooting takes place during the weekly protests against the closure of the eastern exit from the village, which connects the village to the city of Nablus and passes through the expansion of the settlement of Kedumim. The residents have been holding the weekly protests since 2011.


As a result of Israel’s policy, Palestinians in the West Bank suffer severe water shortages and an irregular supply. To alleviate the hardship, residents place water tanks with volumes of 500 or 1,000 liters on their roofs to stock water during supply hours, for use during the many hours when there is no running water.


B’Tselem’s investigation indicates that the shooting is deliberate and has resulted in residents losing hundreds of liters of water. They will now have to purchase expensive new tanks at about 500 NIS (~125 USD) per unit. Since the beginning of April, soldiers have damaged 24 water tanks on rooftops of homes in the village, some more than once. In some homes, water tanks were damaged three or four times over a month and a half.


The damage to the water tanks is sheer abuse and constitutes an illegal act of collective punishment. As residents now have to follow strict hygienic measures, including frequent handwashing, due to the outbreak of the coronavirus, this conduct is even graver. Nevertheless, the shootings have continued unabated for several weeks. This indicates that rather than the random initiative of a particular soldier, this conduct that is at least condoned by the commanders on the ground, in blatant disregard for residents’ lives and property.


The testimonies were given to B’Tselem field researcher Abdulkarim Sadi.

Home of ‘Assem and Nuha ‘Aqel


On Saturday, 25 April 2020, around 1:30 P.M., about an hour after the weekly demonstration began, soldiers opened fire at the water tanks on the roof of ‘Assem (42) and Nuha (43) ‘Aqel’s home, where the couple live with their five children and his brothers’ family. When the demonstration was over, ‘Assem went up to the roof and temporarily fixed a bullet hole in a water tank.


In a testimony he gave the next day, he recounted:


During the protest and the clashes with the soldiers, who were waiting for the protestors, I was at home with my wife and sons. Every now and then we heard live fire and the sound of “rubber” bullets and tear-gas canisters being shot. Meanwhile, I also heard shooting coming from the hill behind our house, about 200 meters away. After a few moments, I heard water flowing from the roof into the courtyard through the drainpipes. Since the soldiers were still up on the hill, I was scared to go up to the roof. I only closed the main water faucet, so the tanks wouldn’t fill up.


I waited for about an hour until the demonstration was over. When I was sure the soldiers were gone, I went up to the roof. I saw a hole in the plastic tank and temporarily fixed it by putting in a screw and adding adhesive material around it to seal the hole, but it’s still leaking. We lost about 450 liters of water. Last year, the Israeli military also shot at our water tank and we were forced to replace it.


Now, because of the coronavirus, we have to be especially careful about cleanliness. We have to shower, wash our clothes and wash our hands more often. It’s also the water we use for cooking and drinking. I don’t understand how the soldiers can be so heartless and damage water tanks like that. Water is the main source of life for every human being.


Because of the coronavirus, it’s now harder to travel between the villages. In any case, the stores selling plastic tanks in the neighboring villages are closed. The repair I made is only temporary. I’ll have to buy a new water tank and the cost of buying and assembling it is 500 shekels.



Anonymous ID: 49218f June 2, 2020, 11:26 a.m. No.9431575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1605 >>1673 >>1821 >>1888 >>1989 >>2015

WATCH: CNN Reporter Makes Excuses For Rioting, Looting


Over the weekend, rioters wrought havoc across America by looting and burning down small businesses (many owned by minorities), causing billions of dollars in public damage and an incalculable amount of emotional suffering.

According to CNN’s Sara Sidner, the destruction came from legitimate grievances.

“I know people see violence and think that people are just taking advantage of the situation and there may be some people who are,” Sidner told CNN’s Chris Cuomo. “I don’t know that every single person is doing this borne out of pain. But I can tell you many people are. We’ve seen it. They don’t know what to do with that emotion.”

“So their response, especially young folks, is to lash out,” she continued. “And one of the young folks, we talk to him on your show, you had him on your show. A young man who was from Minneapolis who said, ‘Do you see all this damage here, you don’t listen to us when we speak, so you listen to us now.'”

“So acting out gets attention and they know that, because the other way hasn’t got attention, and hasn’t done anything, it hasn’t changed anything. So they are hoping this will. Will it? I don’t know. I was in Ferguson in 2014 for three months. We are back here again. Same scenario. Just about,” she concluded.