Anonymous ID: 715a96 June 2, 2020, 10:52 a.m. No.9431058   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9430901 (pb)

Our nation has done nothing but progress further toward collapse. What don't you get? You don't notice our continued loss of freedoms, economic distress, further censorship of American values, further breakdown in our societal structure? That is all due to the continued kike agenda still driving us over the cliff and the Trump admin fights any attempts at exposure and justice. That's why no one has been arrested yet. That's why the FBI and State Dept still stonewall on FOIA requests. That's why Assange will not be provided the opportunity to say Seth Rich provided the emails. You have to be delusional to think that we are winning. Get off this board once in a while if you truly believe that. Try reading Wall Street on Parade about the massive $4T heist of taxpayer dollars that just got funneled to banksters and corporate CEOs while middle America fucking dies and millions of small businesses shuttered.