Anonymous ID: 06794a June 2, 2020, 12:54 p.m. No.9432968   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2992 >>2997 >>3024 >>3029 >>3121 >>3166 >>3471 >>3563 >>3759 >>3971


Let's recap for all of the normies.


Anonymous users on chan boards, /pol/ being the most obvious example, have made what we commonly refer to as "general breads/threads" for as long as this anon can remember, all the way back to mid 2000s (yes, that's over a fucking decade).

During this time, we've seen the same infiltration techniques play out - alternative general breads are made and the same faggots continue dividing and conquering anons by controlling what information flows through new general breads. It wasn't until now that a union of these "bakers" has formed and controlled the kitchen 24/7, giving each other names and refusing to give up the kitchen to any other anons who wish to help out unless they go through stringent vetting processes conducted by the union of bakers who have been controlling said kitchen.


Now, normally this is no issue. Normally, we as an anonymous collective, couldn't possibly give two shits about whether or not anyone specific is controlling the kitchen because it's not all that important who does it so long as it gets done. However, when they start abandoning the typical anon paradigm of not identifying yourself, of attempting to control who else can participate and finally calling other anons who have offer them any criticism shills, it's about time we speak up.


8bit left a message a week or so ago now reminding us that he left mostly due to issues with division among the administration team here at /qresearch/. He posed a question about the bakers - why there's only about four or five now, why they have their own board to coordinate baking, why they have to teach anons how to bake when it's already extremely simple and why they all have names and always have to identify each other via namefag handshakes.

This is seemingly what drove 8bit (the previous BO or Board Owner).


It should be clear that consensus cracking is being deployed against the board via these swaths of "thank you baker" posts, which are indisputably unnecessary. To explain further, they used to all just be typical "Thank you, baker!" posts but have evloved over time with variants like "thank bakes", additions or subtractions of grammar, "TYB", "tanks bakes" and other variations. After a while, these posts began including pictures of naked women. In case you're new, this specific method was developed and refined on /pol/ - the discord trannies would flood the board with threads which use an original image in the OP of women having sex, naked women, or other hormone response invoking images. These images atrophy thought process, initiate sexual-hormonal responses, especially in young men, and trigger typical sexual responses like arousal. This method is used as a distraction.


What they did was they normalized "thanking the baker" (which I generally have no issue with) and once it was normalized, they slowly tweaked the syntax over time so that they could circumvent filters which would exclude these unnecessary posts from every bread. Eventually, they began inserting images like described above so that they could normalize sexual responses on the board causing distraction and so that they could desensitize us to seeing these images as well as normalize shitposting.

In addition to these things, these posts would also grow and maintain an astrotufed perspective with the bakers - that a consensus has been formed about their being so necessary (cracking consensus).



Anonymous ID: 06794a June 2, 2020, 12:54 p.m. No.9432975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3024 >>3045 >>3138 >>3232 >>3241 >>3446 >>3563 >>3759 >>3971

Anons have not needed any specific team of people to bake breads. We've been stepping up out of necessity to create new threads within which anons could further research and discuss for as long as we've been making general threads, whether it was on /pol/ (which is relatively new, mind you) or any other board we've gathered within for as long as this anon remembers (roughly fifteen years).

We have never needed any specific anon to maintain these types of threads for us.

We have never needed anyone that wasn't anonymous to do anything at all for us.

We have known for many years now that /ourguys/ have been hanging out with us and have created a virtual bootcamp for us, as if we were digital soldiers, starting at least a decade ago.

We have no use for people that aren't anonymous because they are seen as a liability.

We have no use for people in close knit groups who perform group-based functions for us.

Finally, we don't hate our bakers, we don't feel any malice for our bakers and no anons are divided.

Instead, only people that identify themselves and use their positions of imagined authority to form a consensus about how any dissenters are shills, are not anons and we have no use for these people.

If you would like to bake, we would appreciate that tremendously.

What we do not appreciate, however, is you circumventing our rules.

We do not appreciate your resistance when we attempt to socialize you.

We also do not appreciate your insisting we're shills when we point all of this out to you.

Fit in with anons, or force us to socialize you.

t. Oldfag (not me)

Now everyone fucking focus again. We're being distracted on purpose.

Anonymous ID: 06794a June 2, 2020, 12:58 p.m. No.9433047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3069 >>3242


>How about instead of kvetching about the bakers, step up and bake faggot. Easy.


>We're waiting.

I asked to bake 2 breads ago and baker refused to hand off genius. That's what started all this.

Anonymous ID: 06794a June 2, 2020, 1:10 p.m. No.9433307   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>That could never happen. The bakery never gets comped. Our opposition would never go so far as to compromise our bakers. Pandemic, Murder hornets, Looting, causing riots. They would never stoop so low as to infiltrate our bakery.

This anon gets it

Anonymous ID: 06794a June 2, 2020, 1:13 p.m. No.9433365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3369 >>3393 >>3417 >>3426 >>3461

Let's recap for all of the normies.

Anonymous users on chan boards, /pol/ being the most obvious example, have made what we commonly refer to as "general breads/threads" for as long as this anon can remember, all the way back to mid 2000s (yes, that's over a fucking decade).

During this time, we've seen the same infiltration techniques play out - alternative general breads are made and the same faggots continue dividing and conquering anons by controlling what information flows through new general breads. It wasn't until now that a union of these "bakers" has formed and controlled the kitchen 24/7, giving each other names and refusing to give up the kitchen to any other anons who wish to help out unless they go through stringent vetting processes conducted by the union of bakers who have been controlling said kitchen.

Now, normally this is no issue. Normally, we as an anonymous collective, couldn't possibly give two shits about whether or not anyone specific is controlling the kitchen because it's not all that important who does it so long as it gets done. However, when they start abandoning the typical anon paradigm of not identifying yourself, of attempting to control who else can participate and finally calling other anons who have offer them any criticism shills, it's about time we speak up.

8bit left a message a week or so ago now reminding us that he left mostly due to issues with division among the administration team here at /qresearch/. He posed a question about the bakers - why there's only about four or five now, why they have their own board to coordinate baking, why they have to teach anons how to bake when it's already extremely simple and why they all have names and always have to identify each other via namefag handshakes.

This is seemingly what drove 8bit (the previous BO or Board Owner).

It should be clear that consensus cracking is being deployed against the board via these swaths of "thank you baker" posts, which are indisputably unnecessary. To explain further, they used to all just be typical "Thank you, baker!" posts but have evloved over time with variants like "thank bakes", additions or subtractions of grammar, "TYB", "tanks bakes" and other variations. After a while, these posts began including pictures of naked women. In case you're new, this specific method was developed and refined on /pol/ - the discord trannies would flood the board with threads which use an original image in the OP of women having sex, naked women, or other hormone response invoking images. These images atrophy thought process, initiate sexual-hormonal responses, especially in young men, and trigger typical sexual responses like arousal. This method is used as a distraction.

What they did was they normalized "thanking the baker" (which I generally have no issue with) and once it was normalized, they slowly tweaked the syntax over time so that they could circumvent filters which would exclude these unnecessary posts from every bread. Eventually, they began inserting images like described above so that they could normalize sexual responses on the board causing distraction and so that they could desensitize us to seeing these images as well as normalize shitposting.

In addition to these things, these posts would also grow and maintain an astrotufed perspective with the bakers - that a consensus has been formed about their being so necessary (cracking consensus).



Anonymous ID: 06794a June 2, 2020, 1:13 p.m. No.9433369   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3460 >>3492


Anons have not needed any specific team of people to bake breads. We've been stepping up out of necessity to create new threads within which anons could further research and discuss for as long as we've been making general threads, whether it was on /pol/ (which is relatively new, mind you) or any other board we've gathered within for as long as this anon remembers (roughly fifteen years).

We have never needed any specific anon to maintain these types of threads for us.

We have never needed anyone that wasn't anonymous to do anything at all for us.

We have known for many years now that /ourguys/ have been hanging out with us and have created a virtual bootcamp for us, as if we were digital soldiers, starting at least a decade ago.

We have no use for people that aren't anonymous because they are seen as a liability.

We have no use for people in close knit groups who perform group-based functions for us.

Finally, we don't hate our bakers, we don't feel any malice for our bakers and no anons are divided.

Instead, only people that identify themselves and use their positions of imagined authority to form a consensus about how any dissenters are shills, are not anons and we have no use for these people.

If you would like to bake, we would appreciate that tremendously.

What we do not appreciate, however, is you circumventing our rules.

We do not appreciate your resistance when we attempt to socialize you.

We also do not appreciate your insisting we're shills when we point all of this out to you.

Fit in with anons, or force us to socialize you.

t. Oldfag (not me)

Now everyone fucking focus again. We're being distracted on purpose. .