Anonymous ID: 1d651b June 2, 2020, 12:54 p.m. No.9432967   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9432330 (lb) Either that, or he intended to mow down an entire NG squad from behind. So all LE & Military & civilian patriots need to be on the alert for this at all times. Also car attacks of all kinds, like the one in Pittsburgh, or worse. And nutbags shooting at them, like the guy who got dropped. PDJT is so correct about domination. There can only be one ruling system/group. Everything else must be crushed into oblivion, because prima facie it is treason, in the context within which the war is being fought. The time is now. They are weak, chaotic, & aimless, with no moral force. It's us or them.

Anonymous ID: 1d651b June 2, 2020, 1:08 p.m. No.9433267   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3579

>>9433002 Wonder how many rounds Tubby or Tubbetta has fired in his/her entire life. I'll guess a couple of clips, total. And how fast could he move a mile if needed? Guessing 12 minutes, all in and gasping at the end. Staged image, fake & gay, like the first one this type put out a couple of years back. Nothing but a thin threat display, with nothing to back it up.

Anonymous ID: 1d651b June 2, 2020, 1:36 p.m. No.9433838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3934

>>9433579 All you say is true. Can see a couple of reasons why they would be unaware of their fate, should they actually "win." First, they are ignorant. Too lazy to actually read & understand political history-ask a Bernie bro to discuss socialism beyond the most trivial propaganda phrases, and see what you get-, so they are out there flailing blindly. Second, even if some are theoretically aware of what might happen, their minds have been commandeered from reality, and that terrible place is where they live. So they pretend it won't happen, or try and talk it away. A good chunk of them will continue down that path, until they are clearly seen as the hard core 4-6er losers, the anchors around the necks of the rest of us, the nation, and the world. The end will not be for everyone.