Anonymous ID: 9ff731 June 2, 2020, 1:22 p.m. No.9433557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3577 >>3596 >>3612 >>3720 >>3725 >>3897

So Let Me Get This Straight….

George Floyd was a 46 year old man from Texas with six felonies including armed robbery where he pointed a gun at the stomach of a pregnant black woman.


He had been arrested for cocaine possession and also narcotics distribution, spent several years in prison and then moved to "Minnesota" to clean up his life.


He was in a low budget pornographic movie, had pre-existing heart problems, had drugs on him at the time of arrest for trying to pass a fake $20 bill, was clearing intoxicated and that was the reason the police were phoned on him.


Gets arrested for driving under the influence, resists arrest, and dies from a heart attack, texts positive for fentanyl and meth.


This causes celebrities, antifa, and self-hating white people to go on a tirade about social injustice, even though white people are killed more frequently than black people by police. Furthermore, black people kill more white people despite being only a fraction of the population. Both black people and police officers kill on average more than 1 white person per day.


White liberals are the only demographic that don't have in-group preference, making white people provably scientifically the least prejudice out of all races.


My conclusion:


The average person is so fucking braindead and brainwashed by social media that society is completely irredeemable. We live in an age of anti-intellectualism and the mob is a bunch of frothy mouthed retards that should be put in an insane asylum, including the celebrities.