Anonymous ID: a6dfff June 2, 2020, 1:13 p.m. No.9433374   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What I am failing to understand, and would like anons to clarify for me so that I can understand, is why Q and Trump’s administration have allowed this situation to even get to this point.


To clarify—I’m not indicting Q/Trump/Admin for these riots and looting due to inaction. What I am trying to ask is, if allowed to happen there must be a logical, critically-thought out reason, what would that reason be?


My theory is that these events are occurring (at this scale) as a means to include the entire populace in the discussion and information sharing. Thus, awakening them to the reality that those that are meant to represent them are in fact acting against their interest.


I gather this theory when Q mentioned that normies must be ‘SHOWN’ for it to ring true to them.


Anons, autists, I could really use some current-event translating. Much thanks.