Anonymous ID: c55714 June 2, 2020, 1:03 p.m. No.9433138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3241 >>3245 >>3335 >>3403 >>3446 >>3569 >>3971


this is true

follow our fucking rules for baking, the rules we've fucking had since the beginning of this thing. you don't need to namefag, just stop fucking up. if you can't do the job, don't do it at all and give it to someone else. i'd rather have a newfag baker every bread than a shitty baker who bakes 24/7. when you don't follow our baking conventions (most importantly reading through the entire bread and adding in notables that anons have chosen) then you look like a clown, even if you may not be. if you don't give a fuck about supporting anons' work or contributing beyond copy-pasting a couple things, just so we don't suspect you as doing this on purpose, then stop fucking baking. anytime this baker bakes, another anon should take the bread or bake another one. shill bakers need to be banned from baking after proving themselves to be subversive time and time again literally every day.

Anonymous ID: c55714 June 2, 2020, 1:17 p.m. No.9433446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3539 >>3599 >>3741 >>3971


furthermore, everyone can copy and paste but there are standards that we've forgotten


-relevant bread titles. some bakers name this shit after the music they like

-normal dough posts. some bakers post fucking music videos on the dough post to identify themselves. this isn't fucking facebook

-normal fucking handoffs, not "inside lingo" for a specific group of people in order to identify themselves/each other

-if you're going to have pastebin, use it to check any baker you hand off to, not to decline it for bakers you don't like

-pastebins aren't required but any new or aspiring baker is welcome to get one, to make it easier for anons to be vigilant and hold bakers accountable when they fuck up

-when 5+ anons are telling you they want something in notables, you have to put that shit in, you can't just ignore it.baker is one opinionbaker needs to listen to anons.

-you have to be able to read through the entire bread to catch good information, even if it doesn't get nominated. if you miss this shit, then you need to practice more before baking, focus only on baking and not on anything else you may be doing. if you're online shopping or whatever the fuck doc must be doing in order to miss so many posts, while you're baking, stop baking and ask for a handoff.

-in order to bake, you have to keep up to date on notables so that you don't repeat shit (minor offense) OR LEAVE IMPORTANT SHIT OUT (major offense). if you're not up to date on Q happenings, you're going to miss notables and label other notables with something generic

-part of being a good baker is coming up with relevant descriptions. if you're not reading or skimming the post, to know how to caption it, then you're not doing your job. "riot digs" does not fucking describe a breaking news article about joe biden funding antifa, which POTUS himself has tweeted TWICE now, meaning it was important. BE ACCURATE IN YOUR DESCRIPTIONS.

-when you fuck up, ffs acknowledge that you fucked up, listen to anons' input, explain your view on somethign controversial that anons may be arguing over andstop fucking up

-it's ultimately your decision but you must defer to anons

-keep the formatting consistent so that scraper sites and aggregators can do what they do and so that anons know where to find the current bread.

-if you continue fucking up, anons will not allow you to bake anymore and will hijack the bake


these are all conventions we used to have, minimum standards for bakers and they have fucking disappeared.


this is how baking is supposed to work


>>9432975, >>9433138, >>9433241

Anonymous ID: c55714 June 2, 2020, 1:31 p.m. No.9433741   🗄️.is 🔗kun


not to mention /qresearch/ is not like any other board on the chans. clearly. we are organized and are here to conduct research and wake up our fellow americans. this isn't facebook or just a place to chat. this is where the biggest advance drop of military intelligence is happening. you are the news now. handle with care?


good bakers were lauded for their ability to sift the wheat from the chaff. baking used to be an art. with time and experience, bakers could see digs and posts that anons missed, quickly skip over shitposts, juggle Q posting, maintaining the dough, and the process of baking the new bread,.


the mark of a good baker would be a comment like "wow baker how did you find so many notables? i can barely keep up"

because good bakers read every single post. and not just the headlines, we read or at least skimmed the articles, clicked the links, made sure the source was good and the information was current/new, avoided repeating old information by checking previous notables, asked for input from anons, explained the choice whether to include, add, remove, or leave out a notable, and most of all GOOD BAKERS DEVELOPED EXCELLENT DISCERNMENT and could tell who was a shill. bakers were on the front lines of shilling, constantly attacked, and we did our job anyway.


THAT IS WHAT IT MEANT TO BE A BAKER. anyone can bake as long as they know how baking is supposed to work.

Anonymous ID: c55714 June 2, 2020, 1:33 p.m. No.9433771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3790 >>3802

pay attention to who is engaging in logical discussion over a highly debatable board topic and who is engaging in ad hominem attacks, claim all discussion is irrelevant.