Anonymous ID: cb90ea June 2, 2020, 1:45 p.m. No.9433971   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3988





>I'd rather have a newfag baker every bread than a shitty baker who bakes 24/7



Agree completely

The shitty 24/7 baker crew needs to go, particularly doc

They attack anons and call them shills

They screw up or mis Notables

They have made their own posts notable

They argue with anons and call them shills


The don't note notables properly, are lazy, grouping non related topics in one line under some ridiculous description like this garbage:


>>9425549, >>9425767, >>9426106 Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt News Round Up: Gravey Edition


They routinely ignore solid anon suggested notables then next bread say hey "I'm ghost'

Or thhere's the baker that refuses to post notables until 650 or so, not giving anons the opportunity for review

And also the baker that's consistently absent…. ' hey I'll be back at 200, or 400 etc


They need to go and Anons need to speak up and let new bakers without an agenda bake


There are good bakers

The ones described above are not and need to be ousted