Anonymous ID: 6b090c June 2, 2020, 1:56 p.m. No.9434179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4405

Plantation police


Welcome to the global human livestock plantation, where the USA private prison sector, as well as other pockets gloablly, are currently dealing with prison riots. Though the 'protesters' remain wholly unaware that they are actually slaves on a plantation, welcome to truth.


Cops, gov, pols, mafia, gangs, money changers, launderers, npos, ngos, and traffickers… All in the same GANG.


We are the product.


Military should be arresting a shitton of cops once these indictmentsfinallyare unsealed. Cops, judges, lawyers, clearks, recorders, notaries, bankers, and on and on…


Or they could just arresting a few hundred anons and roll out the nano tattoo vax, block chain cyrpto tired to social credit for all

Anonymous ID: 6b090c June 2, 2020, 2:07 p.m. No.9434405   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"Until you all realize that we are all property of the corporation, all of this divide and conquer racism bullshit is just a distraction.


Immigration = MONEY. Each person born or naturalized as a citizen represents a lifetrust, which is identified by the birth certificate, social security number, or naturalized citizen ID number. Each unique number has a value, based on the predicted lifetime tax value of that individual. So every person represents any where from a few hundred thousand dollars to several million dollars. Every single person.


This company, the USA, is broke, as it has no gold, so in order to lend/print money, it needs more livestock, which holds value.


Don't be a racist because its easy and that is what you are programmed to do. Recognized you are a SLAVE, owned by the City of London/ Washington DC/ Vatican beast system.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 57918734




where do you think you are? this human experience? you dont see bars, but you are an owned slave in a prison.


you cannot freely travel outside of you plantation of origin without permission (visa/ passport)


you cannot move to and work on another plantation without paperwork


you own nothing, not subject to the owners confiscation


you cannot pass along untaxed properties or holdings when you die


you are not granted easy access to wellness, only the sick-care for-profit industry of cut/drug/burn


you are drugged to be docile, confused, stupid, and immoral in food, water, drink, and air


you are manipulated by EMF technologies and television


you have no rights to privacy or not being searched


your food and water supply is controlled and contaminated, as is the air


your children are required to submit to institutionalized indoctrination


your labor is taxed to offset the costs of your keep, as well as enriching the wardens


everything else is a distraction, to keep us from seeing this


peace." Anon glp