Anonymous ID: 4567f6 June 2, 2020, 2:47 p.m. No.9435001   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Democrat Governor Northam Rejected White House Request to Deploy Virginia’s National Guard to DC


KKK-Blackface Governor Ralph Northam (D) rejected the White House’s request to deploy Virginia’s National Guard to DC to help quell rioters.


Left-wing terrorists descended upon the White House Sunday night, setting fires around the area.


So the Pentagon on Monday requested that Virginia send in between 3,000 to 5,000 National Guardsmen to bolster enforcement.


Northam said no.


“I am not going to send our men and women in uniform of a very proud National Guard to Washington for a photo-op,” Northam said


Via Richmond Times Dispatch:


Gov. Ralph Northam on Monday denied a request from the Trump administration to deploy Virginia’s National Guard to “dominate” protesters in Washington, D.C.


The Pentagon on Monday requested that Virginia send between 3,000 and 5,000 members of its National Guard to fight unrest in the nation’s capital, which like many cities across the country, has seen peaceful and violent demonstrations in protest of police brutality, particularly toward people of color.


In a call with Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Monday afternoon, Northam declined Esper’s request, out of concern that D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser had not been consulted.


The Northam administration also expressed concern about President Donald Trump’s rhetoric during a call with governors at noon Monday, during which he urged governors to “dominate” protests with an “occupying force,” a military reference.


“When this request came in, we quickly learned it had not been made at Mayor Bower’s request or coordinated with her, and we have heightened concern based on the President’s remarks that the Administration is looking to use the Guard to escalate — not deescalate — the situation,” said Northam chief of staff Clark Mercer in a statement.


US Attorney General Bill Barr on Tuesday warned rioters that law enforcement will be stepping up their response tonight after he walked the streets of DC last night like a boss.

Anonymous ID: 4567f6 June 2, 2020, 2:48 p.m. No.9435024   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5073 >>5229 >>5239

This Was St. Louis Last Night — NOT Afghanistan — THIS IS NOT A PROTEST – IT IS A WAR ZONE! — 4 Police Shot, Gas Poured on Officers


On Monday night four police officers were shot in St. Louis City.

The thugs threw gas on police.

The 7-11 downtown was looted and torched.

One retired Police Captain David Dorn was shot dead while protecting a porn shop.


The looters shot Dorn dead and then looted the pawn shop he was protecting.

They understood no police would be coming.


The video of the shootout between street thugs and police was later posted on YouTube.

This was like something out of Afghanistan except that it was St. Louis City not far from downtown St. Louis.

Anonymous ID: 4567f6 June 2, 2020, 2:49 p.m. No.9435041   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5091 >>5146 >>5216 >>5337 >>5464 >>5602

Banks Brace For Default Wave: Wells Fargo Stops Making Loans To Independent Car Dealers


Two months ago, we reported that after the largest US bank had quietly exited the new loan issuance market, and hiked mortgage standards, JPMorgan also stopped accepting HELOCs, in what appeared to be a comprehensive withdrawal from the loan market ahead of the coming deluge of corporate bankruptcies spawned by the coronavirus shutdowns. This was confirmed just weeks later when in the latest Senior Loan Officer Survey we found that it has become next to impossible to get a loan as bank lending standards have soared for everything from C&I loans, to mortgages, to consumer loans.


Now, in the latest indication that banks are bracing for even more default pain, this time stemming from what even before the coronavirus crisis was the next subprime disaster-in-waiting, namely auto loans. According to CNBC, Wells Fargo is hitting the brakes on its auto loan business, until recently a major source of revenue for the company.


The bank, one of the biggest lenders for new and used car purchases in the U.S., sent letters to hundreds of independent auto dealerships last month telling them that the San Francisco-based company was dropping them as a customer, according to people with knowledge of the situation.


Wells Fargo confirmed that the bank, which only makes auto loans through car dealerships, will no longer accept loan applications from most independent shops which typically sell used cars, unlike franchise dealerships that focus on new vehicles from specific manufacturers.


The bank had "an obligation to review our business practices in light of the economic uncertainty presented by COVID-19 and have let the majority of our independent dealer customers know that we will suspend accepting applications from them,” Natalie Brown, the spokeswoman, told CNBC. “The independent dealers we will continue doing business with are those with deep, long-standing relationships with Wells Fargo.”


The move comes just as prices of used cars, which has crashed in late March and early April, had staged a modest rebound. However, with the fleet of 500,000 Hertz rental cars hitting the liquidation block after the company's bankruptcy, and expect to send used-car prices plunging even more in the coming weeks, it's not difficult to see why Wells is suddenly getting out of Dodge.

Anonymous ID: 4567f6 June 2, 2020, 2:58 p.m. No.9435148   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5180 >>5225 >>5602

Riots in Paris after protests on police brutality turn violent


Riot police fired tear gas as scattered protesters in Paris pelted them with debris and set fires during an unauthorized demonstration against racial injustice and heavy-handed police tactics.

Several thousand people had previously rallied peacefully for two hours at the main Paris courthouse as global outrage over what happened to George Floyd in the United States kindled frustrations across borders and continents.


As the demonstration wound down, police fired tear gas and protesters could be seen throwing debris.

Two small fires broke out, and green and gray barriers surrounding a construction site were knocked over.

Tensions also erupted at a related protest in the southern city of Marseille.

French protests sometimes degenerate into violence by a few rowdy demonstrators.

Earlier, thousands marched in Sydney, chanting "I can't breathe," and expressions of anger erupted in multiple languages on social networks, with thousands of Swedes joining an online protest and others speaking out under the banner of #BlackOutTuesday.

Anonymous ID: 4567f6 June 2, 2020, 3:02 p.m. No.9435204   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Convicted Felon Charged With Rape, Kidnapping Woman At Gunpoint Outside Nashville Apartment


NASHVILLE — Sex Crimes detectives Monday charged Amari Ayers, 21, with two counts of rape and aggravated kidnapping for the May 16 sexual assault of a woman at gunpoint outside her apartment building at 1501 Rosa Parks Boulevard.


The victim parked her vehicle in a gated area around 3:15 a.m. She was walking up a stairwell toward her apartment when the suspect grabbed her from behind. He told her that he had a gun and would kill her. She reported that he then forced her back into her car where she was sexually assaulted.


Investigation by detective Kimberlin Rothwell led to the identification of Ayers after he was seen in the victim’s apartment complex where he was known to stay with a friend. He was taken into custody this afternoon at a Simpkins Street residence.


Ayers was convicted in March 2019 of attempted aggravated kidnapping and theft of property in relation to a 2017 case in which he attacked a woman in a state employee parking garage near First Tennessee Park. He received a mostly probated six-year sentence.

Anonymous ID: 4567f6 June 2, 2020, 3:08 p.m. No.9435301   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5308

40K ft


  1. Corona BS, kill old people to inflate numbers drive FEAR.


  1. Make masks mandatory. "Social distancing" buzz word for later stage.


  1. Start Riots then spread/coordinate first US then abroad to standing armies moved in via refugee migrations from cabal wars in ME Africa..


  1. Second wave Rona caused from said riots and lack of social distancing.


  1. Famine due to looting, financial collapse, destruction of food production, geoengineering etc….


  1. Food fights.


  1. Serfdom! 1984


Any questions?

Anonymous ID: 4567f6 June 2, 2020, 3:23 p.m. No.9435506   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5534

Man Pulled From Wheelchair And Beaten During Portland Riots


At some point during the riots in Portland over the weekend, a disabled man was dumped out of his wheelechair and assaulted by protesters. It looks as though the disabled man was actually one of the rioters, as it seems like he’s asking for something to break a window with. Then, just as he he starts to raise his arm toward the window, one of the other protesters comes along and drags his wheelchair away, and the disabled guy falls over, only to have another protester start throwing punches at his as he was on the ground. Then the guy who dumped him out of the wheelchair jumps in to fend off the guy throwing punches. THEN yet another protester jumps into the fray and starts kicking the disabled guy.


THEN yet more punches are thrown by other protesters, and it becomes hard to tell just who is on whose side.


The video of the altercation was captured by ovalle.pdx_photo on Instagram:


Not sure who we’re supposed to feel sorry for.