Anonymous ID: 6e4fa8 June 2, 2020, 2:47 p.m. No.9434999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5046 >>5047 >>5054 >>5086 >>5112 >>5144 >>5152 >>5163 >>5179 >>5191 >>5265 >>5328 >>5359 >>5452 >>5503 >>5551 >>5602

What if one day you get a scary but safe personalized message from Q? Or The President of the Unites States of America?


What if that message honored and acknowledged your specific contributions to the movement and gave you further instructions to help?


What if that message designated you personally as an agent of the United States Military Intelligence. What if you had a bigger role to play?


You are the calm before and during the storm. During the storm you are responsible for calming down bigger groups of people. Depending on how far you are spread apart, you may be responsible for your neighborhood, your town, or any specified network of people. You will be provided with the tools. They will be waiting for you at a secure location nearby. You will be given means to communicate with your fellow agents, including many of whom you know online but may have been anonymous to you.


You will work together to help the people remain calm, to help them avoid the path of evil, where propaganda is calling them. Your intuition has been developed over time. You know the plan, and you know what is not in the plan. You will know where to guide the people, to keep them safe and to protect their rights. Do not give up your rights. Trust the Plan. Trust God. Before all else, PRAY. When all else fails, PRAY. Listen to Q’s instructions. You have the map. Re-read drops. Blackout necessary. Scare event necessary. Sky Event. Everyone will receive the Presidential Alert. Not everyone will know what to do. You will. Act with honor, integrity, faith, and love for our great Country. For God & Country.