Anonymous ID: 9f7c61 June 2, 2020, 3:17 p.m. No.9435419   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The whole argument of making it about black lives matter is to virtue signal and elevate above any other.

Straight up cucking.

All lives matter would include blacks.

If they really cared about lives in general, they'd acknowledge far moar whites are killed by police each year than blacks, but they don't.

They want to talk about "oh it's because of proportionality".

Bullshit, then why not address that blacks are 14% of the US population and of those 13%, 4% commit over 50% of the murders and violent crimes.

They can then, now, and forever always fuck off with that shit.

Here's a wild though, stop breaking the fucking law and being the piles of shit that attract flies and maybe police wouldn't harass so much.