Anonymous ID: bae046 June 2, 2020, 3:27 p.m. No.9435567   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You sound fake.


Only fake twitter accounts get outright bans, especially for no good reason.


I have tweeted and re-tweeted everything Q for almost 3 years and never even had a warning.


Twitter pretends to delete their own shill twitter accounts in order to create the appearance that it's "dangerous" to talk about Q. Many people don't want to lose their followers, and so they become cautious about what they're saying about Q, lest they also get banned. But the truth is the ones getting banned are FAKES. Just to keep real people from talking.


Meanwhile, real people are simply shadow-banned. No one can really see their accounts, so Twitter doesn't need to outright delete/ban such users. Twitter just keeps them in the dark, trapped in a silo of deception, as the real Twitter user thinks he's arguing/connecting with other real people, when he's just surrounded by thousands of fake shill accounts operated by intelligence agencies / soros-funded ops. The size of this fraud is HUGE.