Anonymous ID: cfb508 June 2, 2020, 3:03 p.m. No.9435214   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The Truth about Police Brutality, Riots and the NWO


Democratic Led Riots? [Anitifa]? BLM?

Democratic Deep State? [Shadow Government]

Democratic History? (of voter intimidation/suppression)

Who fought, died and slaughtered black and white men to keep their slaves? Democrat Party?

Democrats Created KKK? Democrats created [Antifa]?

Who voted against all civil rights legislation? Democrat Party?

Who passed Civil Rights legislation? Republican Party?

What is the Whig Party?

What is the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

Republican Party founded as Anti-Slavery and Anti-Masonic Party?

Who created Democrat Party?

Freemasons created Democrat Party?

Police Departments Masonic Institutions?

[Antifa] arrests lead directly to Freemasons/Masonic Institutions?

[Antifa] a terrorist organization→Freemasons a terrorist organization? Police?

Freemasons>Democrat Party>KKK>Police>[Antifa]?


Young Pharoah breakin' it down. Watch it while you still can.


The Whigs were an opposition party formed to challenge Jacksonian Democrats, thereby launching the ‘second party system’ in America, but they were far from a single-issue party. Their ranks included members of the Anti-Masonic Party and democrats who were disenchanted with the leadership of seventh President Andrew Jackson. Their base combined unusual bedfellows: Evangelical Protestants interested in moral reform, abolitionists and those against the harsh treatment of Native Americans under Andrew Jackson in his rush to expand the country’s borders. In 1830, Jackson had signed the Indian Removal Act, but then ignored its tenants when he forced thousands of Choctaw to journey to Indian Territory on foot in what became known as “The Trail of Tears.”


In 1854, opposition to the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which would permit slavery in new U.S. territories by popular referendum, drove an antislavery coalition of Whigs, Free-Soilers, Americans and disgruntled Democrats to found the new Republican Party, which held its first meeting in Ripon, Wisconsin that May. Two months later, a larger group met in Jackson, Michigan, to choose the party’s first candidates for statewide office.


Over the course of the Civil War, Lincoln and other Republicans began to see the abolition of slavery as a strategic move to help them win the war. Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, and by war’s end, the Republican majority in Congress would spearhead the passage of the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery.