Highest paid shill ID: d8a4d5 June 2, 2020, 2:37 p.m. No.9434881   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4895 >>4938 >>4960 >>4996 >>5000 >>5016 >>5630

If the intent of the White Lie was to cause the establishment to show their hand, to show their cards, so that it would be clear to the populace that the establishment had no intention of informing them, even in what would be considered the last days, but rather intended to restrain and blockade them in what would be death traps such as coastal and river basin cities, then why the need for months of delay? Would not a couple weeks have sufficed? As we stated, the optimal date for a White Lie was around May 15, and this in part was the reason for this date being chosen. A secondary reason for an early date within 2003, chosen for the White Lie, was to cause the establishment to not only show their hand, but to lose their grip. How did this occur, over the months since May 15?


Going into May 15, the establishment was giving great weight to our predictions that Earth changes would occur ‘shortly’ after this date. This was based on our astonishingly accurate track record on many issues, but primarily on the coordinates, which proved to be precise. Human astrophysics was batting almost zero while we came up with the prize each time, the glowing corpus of Planet X landing precisely on the coordinates we had given weeks and often months ahead of time. To grab the oil fields of the world, considered to be the currency in the Aftertime, and position the US Military there as guards, required steps to be taken well ahead of rotation slowing or stoppage, and thus the pressing need to go to war with Iraq, regardless of UN approval or any proof of nexus between the 911 attacks and Iraq or any proof of terrorism intent on the part of Iraq.


The oil fields in Alaska were considered in hand, Venezuela an easy step when the time came by removing the embattled President, defenseless Saudi a simple matter of stepping sideways from an Iraq stronghold, the fields north of Norway virtually undefended, pipelines into the fields north of Pakistan already guarded, and Nigeria on the plate for an easy snatch by suggesting US assistance with unrest. Thus, in order to have a stranglehold on survivors in the Aftertime, to have complete control of the future currency, oil, the move into Iraq was necessary, and the war proceeded on schedule. What has happened during the delay? The US Military, pushed into Iraq against their advice and assigned like robots to move into Nigeria, rebelled, and no longer can be counted on to follow orders from the White House. Public opinion on the need to invade Iraq has eroded as the smoking gun, evidence of weapons of mass destruction, were not found in Iraq. And thus control of all the oil fields is at risk, seems lost, as the US Military was the anchor in the grand plan and they have bolted.


Can the hand behind the scenes, the major money interests that rule the world in point of fact, recoup? Those who can be bribed have long been bribed. Those who are steadfastly attempting to do what they consider their duty have had their eyes opened. Those who were to be left in the lurch, along with their loved ones, have realized who was to be included in any safety and security during the shift and afterward, and who was to be left in the mud, in pain and starvation, and are not inclined to help the elitists who so cruelly excluded them. Those at the bottom of the ladder, the poor and hapless, have watched their world get worse under the current leadership, have experienced the endless lies about the causes for the Earth changes all around them, and have no confidence in the leadership and especially no confidence in any statements they might make. The grip, in short, has slipped. This leaves the establishment to their bunkers, isolated, fearful of attack and looting, and not in a leadership position in the Aftertime, just as it should be.

You are being lied too…. I think (you)s are stupid

Highest paid shill ID: d8a4d5 June 2, 2020, 2:42 p.m. No.9434943   🗄️.is 🔗kun

When someone tells you to continue prepping but not to worry, that’s when you start to worry because you are not being given the truth. We appreciate the Judges admitting that Nibiru exists. We appreciate them telling the public they should continue prepping. But stopping Nibiru, by deflecting it with nukes or attempting to disintegrate a planet 23 times as massive as the Earth and 5 times the diameter of Earth has been tried and failed. This is an inhabited planet, and the Council of Worlds does not allow one inhabited planet to destroy another. It’s going to do a passage, so deal with it.


Not to worry is what the Catholic Church has been saying about the Third Secret of Fatima. Pope John Paul II tipped their hand when he told a German audience in 1980: “if there is a message in which it is said that the oceans will flood entire sections of the earth; that, from one moment to the other, millions of people will perish … there is no longer any point in really wanting to publish this secret message.” The most the establishment can promise is that inbound debris will be countered and disintegrated, as Chelyabinsk demonstrated.


Not to worry forces a placated populace into panic when the moment strikes, as the public did when the Covid-19 pandemic struck, rushing out to buy toilet paper as though this would save them. Rather, the public should be told their salvation lies in community gardens and flocks of chickens, learning how to save seed and rebuild shelters with hand tools, and preparing to move away from the coastlines when the Last Weeks arrive or preparing for houseboat communities, as the oceans have already become lush from Nibiru’s iron rich dust.


We presume this statement by the Judges about stopping Nibiru is a test, though we are unlikely to ever know as the whole issue is “classified”. Faced with the toilet paper panic in the US when the lockdowns were announced and the starvation in Venezuela when the price of oil plunged and the social welfare system collapsed, the establishment does not know how to proceed. Test 1 was total denial of Nibiru. Fail. Test 2 is admitting it exists but telling the public that daddy will take care of it. Fail. Test 3 should be more honesty.

Highest paid shill ID: d8a4d5 June 2, 2020, 2:47 p.m. No.9434997   🗄️.is 🔗kun


http://www.zetatalk.com/index.htm 10,000 pages…. A lot of sauce. I didn't believe. I do now… And people have some answers I want them…. Q and TRUMP are just puppets

Highest paid shill ID: d8a4d5 June 2, 2020, 2:49 p.m. No.9435038   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5147



Prince Andrew named in US Lawsuit over Underage Sex Claims

January 3, 2014


The accusation against the Duke of York is contained in a motion filed in a Florida court this week in connection with a long-running lawsuit brought by women who say they were exploited by Jeffrey Epstein, a multi-millionaire convicted of soliciting sex with an underage girl after a plea deal. The woman, who filed the motion anonymously, alleges that between 1999 and 2002 she was repeatedly sexually abused by Epstein who, she also alleges, loaned her out to rich and influential men around the world. The document – a motion to expand an ongoing lawsuit relating to prosecutors’ handling of Epstein’s case with two new plaintiffs – alleges that the woman “was forced to have sexual relations with this prince when she was a minor” in London, New York and on a private Caribbean island owned by Epstein.


ZetaTalk Insight 1/10/2015: What does such exposure cause, over time, that an initial or solo assault does not? At first, the elite form a united alliance, rushing to the defense of the other. Then erosion starts, where friends peel away, invitations are withdrawn, business partnerships suffer, divorces ensue, and the arrogant strut is replaced by lonely nights sitting in the shadows. It is not what is withdrawn that is important, it is that something is always being withdrawn. The trend does not stop, and there is pain at every step. The incessant and unrelenting nature of the squeeze is true whether criminal or embarrassing facts are being revealed, wealth is being lost, or business arrangement fail. The elite are used to success. The opposite of this is the realization that one’s losses, and the losses of one’s friends and allies, is not going to stop until the announcement, as originally designed by Obama, is allowed.


There is no side

Highest paid shill ID: d8a4d5 June 2, 2020, 2:57 p.m. No.9435134   🗄️.is 🔗kun



George Soros Pledges $10 Million to Fight Hate Crimes

November 23, 2016


Mr. Soros, a Holocaust survivor originally from Hungary, said in a telephone interview this week that he was “deeply troubled” by hundreds of reports of possible hate crimes since the election. Photo: George Soros, a Holocaust survivor, last year.


ZetaTalk Confirmation 11/26/2016: Is George Soros dead? If so, his death is being denied. Soros is on a hit list, sought by the same people who countered the election fraud attempting to get Hillary into the White House. There are many battles behind the scenes, and the truth is often one of the victims. Ben Fulford gives great insight into these behind the scenes trends and activities, but at times his sources are spectacularly wrong. His sources had Hillary dead on September 11, for instance, but later she returned to the trail with her wandering eye. On November 20 he stated his sources had Soros dead of a heart attack.


What is known is that a closed and very private conference was to start in Washington DC on November 13, lasting 3 days, and that Soros was scheduled to address the attendees on the last day, on November 15. Liz Warren had been invited and was caught on camera rushing into an elevator on November 15. A Croatian newspaper reported on November 15 that Soros had died of a heart attack. Denials and cries of “hoax” were heard afterwards. Soros is 86, and certainly could have a heart attack given the recent setbacks to his agenda.


Why would a Croatian newspaper be the first to break the news? Soros was born in Hungary, next door to Croatia, and is likely the most famous personage from that region. Family, being informed, would contact family and friends in Europe, and the word gets out. Thus this Croatian article should not be dismissed out of hand. Why would a cover-up be done? Those around Soros expected success in their personal endeavors based on the power of Soros, their great leader. They would delay the news forever if a double with sagging skin under the eyes could be found. Is Soros dead? Yes. He has had a mountain of setbacks lately, and more mountains before him. It did him in.

Highest paid shill ID: d8a4d5 June 2, 2020, 3:07 p.m. No.9435284   🗄️.is 🔗kun

longer quoting IndiaDaily. Is this disinfo? Another Booth?


We have mentioned that the public is increasingly restless in the face of weather extremes which create monster storms and alternating droughts and deluges, geological anomalies where the poles and glaciers are melting from the bottom up, earthquakes so on the increase that denial from the USGS is suspect, and all of this with no apparent relationship to the standard Global Warming excuse. We have explained that the elite anticipated being able to either hunker down into underground bunkers or escape the Earth temporarily, but have come to realize that neither route to safety will be available for them. We have explained that a decision was made to mentor survival communities, as a way to form a stronger worker base in the future, with frank talk about the coming cataclysms as a possibility in the media to begin this educational process. We have repeatedly mentioned that the elite who control the world by their great wealth, have determined to make the Bush administration the scapegoat when the truth finally ruptures out into the open. They have been posturing themselves as the world’s superpower, were in control of NASA since the discovery of Planet X in 1983, and their hand thus clearly at the helm of the cover-up.


So where does this leave the resentful Bush administration, who as mere Puppets of the wealthy elite had plans to become peers, controlling the worlds oil fields and the territories of the Americas from Alaska to Argentina? Clearly, they don’t plan to cooperate, but they are likewise not succeeding in their plans to garner support behind them in their self appointed role as world leaders in Democracy. World opinion is against them, and other countries hold and buy the notes that the US needs as a daily fix to stay afloat. While the battle between the Puppet Masters and their Puppets rages, information, as well as disinformation agents, will emerge. In that takeovers can occur, especially when the agent does not have a real identity and is only an Internet presence, the same agent may start out as one, then switch. How is the public to sort this out?


Even where the ownership of a media outlet is known, the propensity known, the message or tone may suddenly switch. Such is the power of commands coming from the very top, or the threat of torture or assassination or financial calamity or scandal placed upon a radio or TV host. As in a possession the media outlet may seemingly change, then return to its former self, exorcised. In this rapidly changing environment, where the cover-up is doomed to rupture and expose the hands behind it, such flip-flops will be many. The Puppets are frantically pulling the strings of the media and threatening all involved with maintaining the coverup with extreme measures should they even consider cooperating with a plan for open discussion. The Puppet Masters are demanding that this open discussion begin. With the Earth changes firmly behind the Puppet Masters’ plan, the outcome is certain. Stay tuned.


Radio and TV announcers, newspaper editors, and scientists at Universities or on the government payroll would be asked questions, and needed to know what topics were to be suppressed, what pat answers were to be given, so the number of individuals involved in the cover-up grew. As with the meeting in France of government heads, reportedly to talk about Iraq and mend fences, where the word given to these heads of state was that there was a presence in the solar system, expected to float away, and at all costs the mission was to reduce panic, these new enlistees into the cover-up were told this was all for the public good.

ZetaTalk: Credibility Issues, written Jul 5, 2003


Clearly, the establishment in the know about the coming cataclysms stands to benefit from a continuing cover-up. Public knowledge would cause their empires to collapse, banking failures, a stock market crash, corporations devoid of workers, security workers vacant from their posts, crowded highways, looted stores, and an infrastructure no longer there to support the elite high in their perches above the common man.

ZetaTalk: Cover-up Cracks, written Jul 5, 2003

Highest paid shill ID: d8a4d5 June 2, 2020, 3:08 p.m. No.9435293   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Awakening is not on a linear climb to some point in the future when it becomes obvious to the vast mass of the populace that the alien presence is real, and among them. It is on a curve, akin to the rapid buildup that a parabola represents. In the past, encounters were few and far between, and reduced to what was taken to be tales and myths. When the Awakening was put upon a path that was to build exponentially until the Transformation was complete, the rules changed to allow few sightings and encounters only recorded in the subconscious. This allowed a reservoir of acceptance to build in the general populace, an acceptance those in authority in human society could not locate or control, though they tried.


Each level of acceptance, within a culture or country, or worldwide, allows another level of exposure in the general populace to ensue. Where first sightings were deniable, passing quickly and seen by few and most often a single individual, this moved in late 1997 into a phase where sightings are seen by many, are vivid and undeniable, and even recorded on video or film. Still, they are being under reported by the media, and denied by many in authority. Those in authority that realize the inevitable are seeking ways to give in gracefully, while those who are rigid in resisting what they deem a takeover by outsiders are still shrill and becoming increasingly ridiculous in their denials.


The next stage will be glimpses of alien bodies, fleeting at first, and then increasingly solid views. Watch for cries of "demon" from the religious elite, and "insanity" from those clinging to the status quo.

All rights reserved: ZetaTalk@ZetaTalk.com

Highest paid shill ID: d8a4d5 June 2, 2020, 3:09 p.m. No.9435313   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ZetaTalk: Signs of the Awakening

Note: written on Aug 15, 1995


Biologists in the lab deal in closed systems and open systems. Where the experiment is to be a closed system, every aspect of the biosphere is structured, and as many factors as possible are eliminated. If one wants to document how mice react to more daylight, a longer day, one has a control group of mice where the light is fixed, and another group of mice where the light is varied, steadily increasing. All else is rigidly structured for sameness. Same food, same feeding time, same amount of food, same degree of handling by humans, same amount of cage litter - no variance at all if possible. In an open system experiment few of the factors are tightly controlled, as there are too many variables. How do two different strains of mice get along with each other, and which survives the competition for resources? Put all the mice in one large cage, vary the environment with lots of exploratory debris, vary the feeding schedule, subject the mice to extraneous noise once in awhile, and watch. The Awakening is now in an open system, where formerly closed, and several trends are already apparent.


Decades ago contactees were visited on an individual or at most family basis. Almost always, a contactee vaguely aware of this activity kept it to themselves or at most shared it with a trusted confidant. Closed system. Now contactees are meeting each other, not only in their subconscious during visitations, but in support groups, Internet chat groups, and while browsing at the book store. Government denial has become an indirect education program, religious leaders are formulating their explanations, TV and movie producers want to be on the leading edge of a media opportunity, and politicians are seen gladly accepting alien endorsements. Open system.

All rights reserved: ZetaTalk@ZetaTalk.com

Highest paid shill ID: d8a4d5 June 2, 2020, 3:18 p.m. No.9435436   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brain damage… I give no fucks…. You are running on a wheel mother fucker. Going nowhere. Check yourself