Anonymous ID: eafa7c June 2, 2020, 3:03 p.m. No.9435219   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9433108 (LB)

A little history lesson from an oldfag.


A historian noted some time ago to the effect that Since time immemorial, youth has always rebelled. In previous times, the concerns and idealism of rebellious youth were handled by their elders essentially saying - sit down and shut up.


But the 1960s were the first time in history when the elders acceded to the youth and told them "yes, you are right and we are wrong, you're smarter than we are, what can we do to help you change the world?"


In the 1960s, when students protested, demonstrated, sat-in, vandalized, and generally disrupted college life, the university administrators, instead of telling the students to go to class, behave, or get disenrolled, and barred from the college grounds, the administrators "listened to their concerns."


Some administrators were pressured into surrendering to the children (yes, legally most were children, the voting age at the time was 21) by wealthy alumni whose precious little ones could do no harm (Bill Ayers, e.g.); some administrators had caught the socialism bug in previous decades and were sympathetic to the "concerns" of the kids; and some administrators were simply cowards and hoped that by surrendering to the children, they would go away and not make further fuss.


Thus the liberal campus was born, ruled not by adults, but by children who would fly into a tantrum (often violent) when they didn't get their way.


That mentality is still there, not just in universities, but in the larger world, where CNN analysts suggest that Trump is a Nazi for putting down violent terrorists and anarchists - they suggest that he should instead "listen to their concerns". What they actually mean is that he should surrender and give control to the terrorists. They didn't count on Trump being Trump.