Say Pepe, I’m still seeing a lot Jew-ses being preached in here so I thought I would do a quick review of the spiritual paths described in the Bible. Remember, Saul/Paul, a Jew, tells the reader that they are dirty sinners in need of a savior to get to heaven creating a path of spiritual bondage.
The parables of Jesus tell a different story. His 1st parable “new patch on the old coat” (of many colors aka Judaism) reveals that if you try to put a new patch (Jesus) on an old garment (Saul) the patch will surely tear away. Jesus is describing the story of Saul in advance and we must use the superpower of hindsight to discover this. This is a warning to avoid Sauls story. The 2nd parable states that you would not put new wine (Jesus) in an old wine skin. Now, John of Patmos describes this spiritual journey in his books of the New Testament. Again, Jesus warns us in advance to avoid this story.
The 3rd parable (and 6th cuz it’s important) is where Jesus tells us that We are the Light of this World….quite a bit different than being a dirty sinner, huh. The 4th parable Jesus informs us that we must build our foundation on ALL of our truths, AKA the good, the bad and the ugly.
There are 46 parables, 45 if you remove the repeated parable, and I encourage you to read them as a stand alone study. So you see Pepe, there are two paths listed in the Bible, one leads to spiritual bondage but the other leads to spiritual freedom and the retainment of FREE WILL.
The choice is yours Pepe, are you free or slave?
The future is for those who can overcome the bondage of all forms of slavery and is a huge part of the Great Awakening.
Yaw, PewPew