Have you asked yourself who circulated it or are you too busy being the same bitch that you are offline?
im assuming then you're out there in the streets with them?
or are you in your house cheering for the one you think will win?
and then will flip sides when that side doesn't win because this entire thing is staged?
oops, sucks for you, maybe you should do moar than simply sit in your house and lick the boot on your neck
wow, history will remember you well
you're essentially william wallace
but with a larger penis
much respect bro
the people who cheer on the military, knowing it may mean their death, while sitting at their computers, scarfing down a hagen daas, are worse than antifa
dont @ me faggots
I feel that.
They are trying to blame their bad actions on trump supporters/'white-supremacists.' Making white people get on their knees and apologize.
Business destroyed and lives at risk and they still have the gall to think they are on the moral high ground and want to blame it on people who had nothing to do with it and that's about the piss some people off. It's breeding a whole new layer of division, it's a set up, but they did do that.
Even if Satan told them to eat the fruit, they still took it and ate it, no excuses.
I don't like this.
weird, someone who says "we" can't back anything up
never would have guessed