mcconaughey earth
>>>>>>>>>>talmud says: let lizard people hunt down killary in nevada somewhere
>>>Got Thauce ?
>>>>>>>>for many moons our tribe has wandered las vegas seeking the pale face jewfagham crises with thauce
>>>>>>>the mcconaugheys have come to take our land and give us fake jew promises paper
>>>>>>these mcconaugheys want to take our land and give us dollar stores
>>>>>for many moons our tribe wandered the great las vegas seeking our homelands the mcconaugheys stole
>>>>these mcconaugheys say they are jews but do lie
>>>our tribe has watched the mcconaugheys ride ponys and lie with their peanut butter promises for far too long
>>mcconaugheys have taken our land and given back starbucks and strip malls with their jew gold promises paper
>our tribe wandered las vegas like a bunch of jews seeking pony rider truths from the mcconaugheys jew promises papers that stole our land
when Prescott mcconaughey bush rounded up our buffalo to slaughter as sacrifice to stealing all of new orleans coCIAne trade, our tribe knew there were better llanos in Nevada