Highest paid troll ID: 03aab4 June 2, 2020, 9:10 p.m. No.9441815   🗄️.is 🔗kun


September 11, 2001 was both a blessing and a curse for the Bush Administration, owned by the elite as anyone following the rulings in favor of corporations and friends of Bush can see. During earlier days, the OKC bombing and Waco affair and shooting down of TWA800 were attempts to trigger Martial Law. This did not happen due to fast action on the part of many in government and the free-lance media who were alerted to the intent, and took steps to counter the planned result. Nevertheless, ultra right Republicans emerged from closed door meetings shortly after OKC, revealing their plan - it was Arab terrorists! Thus, the plan to initiate Martial Law early was thwarted, and went underground into back room grumbling. When September 11, 2001 hit, the Bush Administration and their allies in corporate America were stunned. They had no warning, and a fully loaded plane went into the Pentagon with no resistance whatsoever.


Where the public is told that the fourth plane turned toward Washington DC went down due to a scuffle with passengers determined to prevent the plane's misuse, in fact it was shot down by the military. This and the silly reasons given forth for the plane leaving NYC and crashing into a neighborhood, that the tail took tail winds, are scarcely believed by the uneasy public. Clearly, the safety of the skies is not secure, and bombs can be planted in tails, taking planes down, in NYC, the site of intense security now. Seeing the President by Coup looking frightened and discombobulated during his single TV appearance during the WTC strike, the public sensed something up about the PR campaign to present Bush Jr. as tough. The polls published, showing him popular to high degrees, are utterly false, and who is to know the better. Where the terrorists plan many additional assaults, they are unlikely to have the clout until they have recovered for several months. Bin Laden is indeed alive, and recouping his network, which is hardly devastated. One can note that key men have disappeared from Afghanistan, nowhere to be found, and will emerge later.


The American public is told the economy is about to turn, the Stock Market safe, and the skies safe as well. All of this has a false ring to it, and increasingly the public is speaking privately to friends and confidants that they feel they are being lied to. Enron was not by accident exposed to the world as the cesspool of deceit it was. We, and human allies, made sure the information about accounting irregularities got into the right hands. The New MJ12 at work. Likewise, the facts about the Bunker Government, as the Secret Government plans in operation since September 11, 2001 are called. Part of the Administration is absent, underground, while the other part is operating in Washington DC. And where are the balancing parts of the federal government, so much touted when discussion about the Constitution are before students and the public? Courts and Congress do not count, are not to be saved or salvaged, and this says more about the mindset of the Bush Administration than any Enron or frightened face of a cowardly President could say. They are outside the law, as they have been since they stole the election by shouting, and enforcing, a stop the counting rule, enforced by a Supreme Court never before interfering in elections in this manner. Thus, our prediction that the Bush Presidency would become increasingly irrelevant will be expedited.

All rights reserved: ZetaTalk@ZetaTalk.com

Highest paid troll ID: 03aab4 June 2, 2020, 9:22 p.m. No.9441979   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1986

The members of MJ12 who formed the new group have in almost all cases physically disappeared so that you could not find them in the phone book or locate them. The government cannot hack at them. They don’t have relatives or children so they cannot be harmed in that way. They are free agents. The new MJ12 group has determined an agenda and course of action.


To prevent disinformation and misinformation from ruling.

Not that it cannot be spread, but it cannot prevail as the only message the people receive. They want the public to receive the truth. They will arrange to have cover-ups exploded and leaks to occur and countering information to come up from unusual sources.


To maintain the democratic ideal.

They do not want to see democracy completely bite the dust and martial law imposed so that people become literally serfs of the wealthy or powerful at gunpoint of the military. This new group is not restricted in the same way the old group of MJ12 was, in that the old MJ12 had rules. There was a need-to-know basis between the various intel organizations and arms they utilized, the CIA and FBI. In many cases these agencies had no idea they were doing an MJ12 service. So MJ12 had full access to the government bureaucracy and agents, but they had many rules, such as not assassinating somebody who was in the public eye. Therefore, someone in the public eye could get away with maneuvers and thumb their nose, so to speak, at MJ12, knowing they were a public figure and therefore could not be taken out. This group does not have such restrictions.


To retaliate against the initiator, not the agents.

They are carrying forward an earlier MJ12 routine, which was to attack the instigator of an action, rather than any agent. In other words, if a high level executive of a corporation desired to have something blown up or someone killed, when this was against MJ12’s rules, they would punish the person setting off the bomb or person carrying the gun. These people would be stopped, but the person to be retaliated against would be the person setting this in motion, in this case the executive, who would be tortured in front of his compatriots or killed. This stopped a lot of nonsense in that those who would create chaos tend to live in fear of having this come right back at them in their front door, like a type of karma. So this new group is continuing this and going right to the top to the person who has perpetrated the crime, rather than to punish the agents and it is remarkable how effective this is.


This new group is very effective and has been functioning for some weeks at the time of this writing. The group has no name. You can call it the new MJ12 if you wish, and if and when they decide on a name they will announce themselves through ZetaTalk. In such a group as ours, a close-knit group, working effectively together, where there are human telepaths who communicate with us as Nancy does, pretty effectively, names are not necessary.

All rights reserved: ZetaTalk@ZetaTalk.com

Highest paid troll ID: 03aab4 June 2, 2020, 9:25 p.m. No.9442004   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Antifa Plans “Civil War” to Overthrow the Government

September 29, 2017


Earlier this week, far-left activists blocked the 101 freeway in downtown Los Angeles before holding up placards that read, “November 4 It Begins”.


Antifa Planning Communist Revolution for America on November 4

September 30, 2017


Just what the significance of November 4 is to the communists in Antifa is not known outside their circles. This date is just three days prior to the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution’s November 7, 1917 overthrow of the provisional government in Russia. Perhaps Antifa chose November 4 because it is on a Saturday and less likely to interfere with the capitalist jobs of some of the revolutionaries.


Remember the movie V for Vendetta, where the Guy Fawkes masks were worn by insurgents against the UK government? Those same masks have become the symbol for Anonymous, which pushes for the truth, not for revolution. And the Anonymous masks are white, not black like the Antifa garb. In the V for Vendetta movie, the chant was “Remember, remember the 5th of November”, but Antifa is not choosing Sunday the 5th. It is Saturday the 4th of November. An unexplained nexus with Putin’s likely speech on Unity Day. Just one more political mystery.


Remember, Remember the Fifth of November

November 5, 2015


A stylized version of a Guy Fawkes mask — rosy cheeks, upward-arching mustache, pointy beard — has been adopted by a range of anti-establishment activists, including Anonymous. The mask itself originated in the V for Vendetta graphic novel, which portrayed the main character as an anarchist battling a fascist authoritarian state.

Highest paid troll ID: 03aab4 June 2, 2020, 9:26 p.m. No.9442015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2053

Trump Makes Bizarre, Cryptic Comment: ‘Maybe It’s the Calm Before the Storm’

October 6, 2017


While taking a photo with military leaders and their spouses during a dinner at the White House, President Donald Trump made a bizarre, confusing comment to reporters. He asked reporters if they knew “what this represents,” making a hand gesture that referred to those lined up for a photo. “Maybe it’s the calm before the storm,” he then said, answering his own question. Asked what “storm” he was talking about, Trump at first ignored the question and remarked that the “world’s great military leaders” were present in the room. Asked again, he was equally unhelpful. “You’ll find out,” he replied.


ZetaTalk Prediction 4/1/2017: The moment when the establishment feels they are ready for the riots that will surely come if Nibiru is admitted never arrives. How will the announcement proceed? The best way to describe this is to say that a threshold will be reached, at which point there will be an essential announcement.


ZetaTalk Description 5/27/2006: Indeed there are hardly any such visits, where heads of state meet, that the coming pole shift is not talked about, especially among the countries that are aware of what is coming. So because of the danger of phone calls or email/electronic communications being tapped, even if encoded, heads of state meet on these issues face to face. They have, since that time, since the Fall of 2003, only been meeting face to face.


And might that essential announcement get a boost from officialdom? If this is the case, then the cover-up over Nibiru would be on guard. There have been hints that Russia may lead, as detailed in Issue 565 of this Newsletter last July. Putin normally speaks on Unity Day in Russia, a November 4 holiday he has personally promoted. He did so in 2015 and 2016, and can be assumed to speak there in 2017. Why is Antifa in the US promoting riots on that same day, November 4? There is an unexplained nexus, which I, Nancy, think could be to cloud an official admission of Nibiru.

Highest paid troll ID: 03aab4 June 2, 2020, 9:28 p.m. No.9442032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2051

I really get mad on here somethimes…. This is all old ass shit…. It doesn't change and has not for 20 years….. It can make a person go insane

Highest paid troll ID: 03aab4 June 2, 2020, 9:30 p.m. No.9442053   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This should be fucking notable…. They called this shit…..This shit is nutz. I hate aliens………………………………We need a better wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Highest paid shill ID: 03aab4 June 2, 2020, 9:37 p.m. No.9442116   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Magic Sword


McCain’s extensive funeral and memorials ran for days the week ahead of Labor Day in the US, with a private “viewing” for the family in Arizona and then a public “viewing” in Washington DC and then a formal funeral and then a burial with honors. During all of this, it was a closed casket affair, not a viewing of the body at all. Compare this to Aretha Franklin’s funeral and viewing, wherein even her feet were on display. Of course McCain’s casket did not contain his body as he had been tried for treason and is now serving a life sentence at Gitmo, per the Zetas.



But over in Syria, his buddies among the Syrian rebels and ISIS remnants were resentful. They had planned a celebration, but their party favors, a weapons depot at Idlib near Damascus, was blown up on September 1, on the Labor Day weekend in the US. Who did this? Certainly the Russians did not want Assad hassled and the US did not want a conflagration in Syria and the always nervous Israel could not be ruled out. But per the enigmatic Q, it was done by a “Magic Sword”.

Highest paid shill ID: 03aab4 June 2, 2020, 9:44 p.m. No.9442201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2217 >>2286

This may shock you dumb asses but this is a shade game. Spooks playing games on normies. Most on here was normies that like to say nigger and post gore porn…


Spooks are playing….. Everything is telling you the truth and lying to you at the same time..Q is a clown…


Learn assholes. I want to get to the end

Highest paid shill ID: 03aab4 June 2, 2020, 9:57 p.m. No.9442345   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2435


Clown,spook don't care.



>Sometimes to move forward, you have to look back. If you want to understand the end, you have to find the beginning. Why are you here?


Not this board. Here. This experience you are having that we term: "life" or "reality."


You take you long


>If you think the world to be made of particles and an unbroken, linear sequence of events, then you need to re-think the world. IE - The Double Slit Experiment and The Quantum Eraser combined with the Uncertainty Principle. IE - the more detailed time becomes the more energy it takes to define those events and the less information can be known about past and future.


But that is all heavy subject matter you've only recently developed the means to begin experimenting with, and only in relatively well equipped universities.


They lied to you. Jeff epstien was at those universities…How dumb are you? Asking for a friend