Anonymous ID: a2e423 June 2, 2020, 9:18 p.m. No.9441936   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Most of the article on Freemasonry below has been taken from Masonic books that have been published by Masonic Publishing Companies, and most of them were formerly very, very secret. We further have taken the Biblical admonition carefully, comparing Masonic teachings to the Holy Bible. In 1 John 4:1, we see this command to all Christians: "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try (test) the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." Thus we see that any religious teaching that does not conform to Scripture is from a "false prophet".


This exercise is not an empty one, for your eternal, precious soul is at stake. Finally, remember two things about Masonry: 1) Superior Masons deliberately lie to their fellow Masons, as those Masons "deserve to be mislead"; 2) Explanations given to 95% of all Masons are wrong. Listen to this quote from a Masonic author, Carl Claudy: "Cut through the outer shell and find a meaning; cut through that meaning and find another; under it, if you dig deep enough, you may find a third, a fourth – who shall say how many teachings?" You have been lied to, as we demonstrate in our many articles. Finally, remember Albert Pike's bold assertion in Morals & Dogma, that "Masonry is identical to the ancient Mysteries ", which means that all their teachings in all their books are precisely the same as the Ancient, Pagan, Satanic Mysteries!

Anonymous ID: a2e423 June 2, 2020, 9:22 p.m. No.9441983   🗄️.is 🔗kun


666 - The Masonic Square and Compass/Hexagram


The Six Pointed Star

By, Dr. O.J. Graham


The Six-Pointed Star is going into its fourth edition. There have been thousands of letters over the years and comments are available upon request. The questions which are asked of this author are:


What made you even remotely curious that the six-pointed star might not be "Jewish"? After all, it is called the "Star of David" and has it not become the international insignia of Jewishness and the State of Israel?

The controversy and the challenge are answered in the book. The quest began at York University, Ontario, Canada, when an Orthodox Jewish friend of mine was investigating Messianic Judaism. Our intellectual conversation covered many topics which included the so-called Star of David, which he said he did not use as the symbol G-d really gave the children of Israel was the seven-branched Menorah. Being a journalist, he challenged me to explore the six-pointed star. And I accepted the challenge, with the plan that I would prove its Jewishness. After all, I wore one and felt I had to defend it, even to him.