Anonymous ID: 2e2b40 June 2, 2020, 11:34 p.m. No.9443332   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9442903 /lb

If people are clueless enough to actually put themselves in the middle of a situation that a child should understand is a powder-keg, and to then think that it is 'others' is a strawman argument. The are actually putting themselves in the middle, looking for trouble like it is some entertaining post for their fascistbook or instagroan account. They are plastic and wastes-of-oxygen and are sullying the gene pool. Humanity cannot survive with spawn like these…and I wasn't extreme. I said call their parents and send them home. I know most of them are just children trapped by the globalist propaganda media bs. Extreme would be holding them in jail without bail until the overburdened courts can get around to dealing with them. I just want these idiots off the streets so that then the ONLY people out will be the ones that actually need to be taken care of with long prison sentences. Those not involved should just stay away from the mess.