Beanz, Seaman, and the other simpletons famefagging have no deductive reasoning skills and stumble on facts we push. They brainrape real researchers to make a buck. Similar to what Alex Jones started doing w Bill Cooper info. Jones made 100 mil brainraping real rschers and has never once offered a pragmatic solution to our plight. Easy to prove. Just ask him where the Vatican pedo doc he has held lucrative moneybomb broadcasts to produce is? Then ask him where the network is he has done multiple moneybombs for. He runs a glorified podcast w low overhead and surrounds himself w sycophants and bimbos. The first thing people say when you approach them w clear proof of corruption or other dregs is "are u one of those ppl who listen to Alex Jones"? Then immediately disregard your positions and typically laugh ass off. Alex Jones needs to be forced to retire before we start rolling this stuff out. He only hurts our cause.
Doubt what I posted?
Get ahold of Mark Dice, Luke Rudkow
ski,Chuck Baldwin, and YouTube Bill Cooper's opinion of Jones. He's a fearporn salesman. I also think he introduced that zach guy onto his show because the Q team was leaving him out of the loop and he was throwing a fit. What happened to zach. I'd bet last dollar someone on q team sent someone to bitchslap Alex and tell him to know his role. He has since.
I've been a regular here for over 4 months and couldn't b further from a liberal. Way to attack facts w personal attacks though alinskyite.