That last one is stellar.
Well isn't that interesting. And why in the world would it matter? My toilet will still flush the same.
Yeah, can't do that. But wow do I see how easily it can be done. My fingers are crossed, too.
End the Fed. Metals based currency. My children have a happy life with meaningful work of manufacturing and rearing families.
I'm good with an idea like that.
Gonna babble a minute. Do you know how much Americans lost by losing manufacturing? Cheap labor outside our borders means many don't now how to make anything but ideas any longer.
Make something from nothing. That's where the joy is. Making nothing from nothing doesn't do much for our hearts and minds. Most workers make nothing all day long now. Don't even shuffle paper. Move a electronic mouse. Hope it matters.
BTW the maker movement is the next thing the cabal will try to corrupt. I'll stand in the way of that one. Been a maker my whole life. Won't stop now.
Too bad he didn't hand her a tiara and offer her a new car.
It really is growing old. Maybe a couple of breads before you show up again?